Chapter 5 - The Goblin Maze(Part 2)

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Well, that caught me off guard.

There was no doubt about it, she was almost as used to killing as I was. It felt a bit different though. My bloodlust felt colder and more refined, probably because I literally spent most of my life training to kill.

Hers felt more feral and rage fueled, which was likely the result of having had no choice but to kill to survive.

Whatever, this was no time for a psychoanalysis.

I might have calmed down a bit, but my desire to kill this guy was very much alive.

"Alright let's do this, just make sure to stay out of my way-."

"Are you kidding me? You're the one who can't see in the dark, so you stay out of my way!"

...fair point.

As an assassin, I'd trained to fight in the dark, but that was always with night vision goggles on. Fighting blind was insanely difficult to master, and was pretty unnecessary in practical use back in my old world, so I never really bothered mastering it.

A decision that I'd been regretting the whole time we'd been down here.

Suddenly, the area lit up in front of us, I turned towards it, to see the bald guy holding a flare. Oh right, he probably couldn't see in the dark either, and it's got to be pretty terrifying to be in total darkness while two people who want to kill you are right in front of you. Unfortunately for him, it worked in my favor.

"Well, isn't that convenient?"

"Damn you! You cut off my arm! Me, THE Tahn Ragiu-!"

Persia shot forward, interrupting his rant, her claws aimed for his throat. He managed to sidestep and avoid decapitation, but couldn't avoid a deep gash on the side of his neck. Before he could recover, I flung a few needles at him and dashed towards him.

Unable to dodge, he pulled out a handful of rocks with his remaining hand and shot them to counter the needles. Interesting, so he couldn't manipulate the walls or floor of this maze with Earth Magic? Just like I'd figured when my blade was unable to break into it, the walls of this maze aren't any ordinary rocks.

Unlike the other four Elemental Magic types which could be produced purely from Mana, Earth Magic could only manipulate the earth around you. To put in into comparison, I could produce lightning using my Mana, but someone with Earth Magic can't conjure up a rock out of nothing, he can only control rocks and earth that already exist around him.

Anyway, back to the fight.

He countered my needles, but now he was wide open. I closed in on him and drove my dagger towards his chest, he managed to avoid getting struck through the heart, as I plunged the blade square through the middle of his chest, and sharply twisted the dagger 90 degrees once it was fully embedded.

He howled in pain, his eyes quivering in rage and fear.

"H-how dare this to me...I'm Tahn...Ragi-."

"Hey, don't make us out to be the bad guys here...," I began.

"...when you're the one who tried to kill us first. You brought this on yourself," Finished Persia, after propelling herself forward from behind him and driving her claws through his heart.

Right before he died, he fired a stone he had been clutching at my head. I moved my head to try and avoid it, but the stone razed across my right eye.


"God damn it, he managed to get a hit in before croaking. No worries though, it'll heal in no time," I grunted, focusing my Healing Factor on the wound.

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