Chapter 26 - Herbal Quest

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A week had passed since I'd received my Student Adventurer Card, but it had been kind of a letdown so far.

First of all, let me explain something about distance and travel in this world. I'd previously mentioned that the Rustlands was down in the south, and the area I lived in was somewhere in the left side of the country. This world may be smaller than my old world, but since vehicles weren't a thing here, covering long distances took ages.

The Academy was also around the left side of the Rustlands, and about fifteen minutes away from the inn I stay at.

The Rustlands Stadium was about a six hour walk from the inn, though that time would be cut in half if you ran or hitched a ride on a horse-drawn carriage or cart, which there were plenty of roaming around the streets.

The royal castle was in the center of the country, and about an hour an two away from the stadium by foot.

The walls surrounding the Rustlands were in a circular shape, and to travel from one end to the other, such as from the leftmost end of the country to the rightmost end, or from top to bottom, would take a whole day of walking, or half a day by carriage.

And then, outside the walls. The Goblin caves were less than an hour walk from the left end of the wall. And then, to the right end of the wall, was a forest and jungle area, and as you went further into it, swamps too.

Without using a teleportation point, getting there from where I was would first require me to take a carriage ride to cross over to the right side of the country, which would take close to half a day.

Ahead of the top of the wall, as in north, were snowy plains, and getting there would either take a six hour carriage ride, or a few hours of walking from the Goblin cave area.

As for the south of the Rustlands, once you walk straight for about an hour down there, you'll end up in a desolate wasteland, filled with heaps of Death Zones, and the deeper you go in, the more toxic and poisonous the air gets, so much so that a human wouldn't survive there for more than a day or two, at most.

Anyway, this was why I had always been limited to the Goblin caves when I'd been sneaking out of the walls, the other spots were just too far to get to and get back from in a single night. But now, as an Adventurer, though not technically official since I'm still a Student Adventurer, things were different.

Specifically, access to teleportation Spell Scrolls.

Let me first clarify that the teleportation in this world is very limited.

A single teleportation Spell Scroll can only teleport people back and forth from two points, let's call them Points A and B to simplify it. If you wanted to teleport to Point B, you could only do so if you're currently in Point A. And if you want to teleport back to Point A, you can only do so from Point B.

And, most importantly, the distance between the two points can only be a few dozen kilometers or so. In other words, teleporting from country to country or over really long distances was impossible.

The maximum range of a teleportation Spell Scroll wasn't even long enough to teleport across a country with just a single scroll. If I wanted to get to the rightmost end of the Rustlands from the left where I was, I would have to use two, or maybe even three teleportation Spell Scrolls.

There were small blue booths across the country that acted as teleportation points, where you could pay a small fee to use these scrolls to teleport to another part of the country. It was a waste to buy your own teleportation Spell Scroll because of how expensive they are, so most Adventurers used these booths to get around the country.

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