Chapter 31 - Road To Goldway(Part 3)

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It was currently late evening on the sixth day of this journey, and I was fighting a group of large monsters called Cyclops.

They were about three to four meters tall, one-eyed, and had incredible strength and decent agility. I was scouting ahead of the carts when I ran into them. They were easily the most challenging monsters I had faced yet.

One of them swung their arm at me, I jumped over it, then plunged my sword into the middle of it's forearm and violently twisted the blade, before flinging a poison needle at its eye. Before it turned to dust, I used it as a stepping stone to jump above the rest.

There were six left.

I could easily take them all out in one fell swoop with my poison needles, but that would be too easy and boring. I sheathed my blades and charged up lightning in my fingertips.

As I reached the peak of my jump, I unleashed a web of rapid lightning streaks from each finger, like multiple simultaneous lightning strikes raining down from above.

What did I name this attack again...? Oh, yeah...

"Lightning Reign!"

As I began to drop back down, I drew out my blades and twisted my body into a rapid, vertical spin, my blades ripping through the monsters and slicing them into ribbons as I descended.

I landed and put away my blades, as the monsters turned to dust. I sighed and stretched, waiting for the others to catch up. We should arrive at Goldway around this time tomorrow.

So far, we hadn't run into any further ambushes, just the occasional monster attacks, which were more than manageable. We had avoided any casualties and injuries, and the carts and carriage were all undamaged too. It almost felt like this was going a bit too well.

As the others caught up, I dashed off ahead again. I had been doing most of the scouting, only swapping out when my Mana dropped down to about half my full capacity. Running and fighting for most of the day helped keep myself distracted, which was a lot better than wallowing in my negative thoughts.

As nightfall arrived, our path continued to be devoid of any enemy ambushes, and we soon set up camp for the night. As usual, I watched over the camp from the highest spot I could find.

And I still wasn't back on speaking terms with Persia.

She might still be avoiding me...but I wouldn't know, since I hadn't been able to bring myself to approach her at all over the last two days.

"Wow, I can't believe that this is still going on," Chuckled Gela in amusement.

"...why do you keep following me around every night? It's annoying, go guard the camp from...anywhere else," I responded with a sigh.

"It's boring to keep watch by myself though."


"So, I was wondering...why don't you just go down there and talk to her? Be a little forceful...I certainly wouldn't mind that if I were her."

"Wow, the cause of the problem is now trying to help solve the problem, isn't that ironic?"

"I don't particularly care about whether you resolve this problem or not, you know. Honestly, it's kinda fun. You probably haven't noticed, but each night before I follow after you during our shift, I give Persia a condescending smile and wave, her irritated expression is just hilarious!"

"Can you stop making things worse?" I groaned, firing lightning sparks at her face.

"I just don't like being bored- ow!" She replied, letting out a yelp as a spark zapped her nose.

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