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When they entered the room, he felt Taehyung stiffen behind him, so he turned around and frowned at him before saying that he did not marry him to hear his thank yous all the time, and that's fine because it's his obligation to care of Hanuel. 

Taehyung's cheeks flushed at the prospect of being scolded by Jungkook, and he wondered if they were going to share a room. 

As if Jungkook had read his mind, he replied, "I won't touch you, there's the bathroom I will go take a shower help yourself."

Taehyung nodded, desiring some alone time to explore his husband's bedroom.

 It's strange that Jungkook is his husband, yet it's also strangely comfy. 

There was something promising about the darkness, like the world before morning.

 It was a canvas rather than a finished work of art, which made it all the more fascinating for Taehyung. 

With each movement, a tiny bit of the furniture and antique ornaments gained shape in his hand, as if they were waiting for him to make them real.

Taehyung cracks a wry grin to himself. His fantasies were childish to say the least. 

When he heard the door open, he was jolted out of his trance. When he saw Jungkook dressed just in sweatpants, his hair wet, and a towel around his neck, his cheeks flushed. 

His gaze falls to his chest, where he discovers rock-hard abs. He hurriedly averted his gaze so as not to be seen.

 "Go take a shower," Jungkook tells him. With one hand is drying his hair, the other is typing on his phone.

Taehyung hesitated as he fiddled with the flowers on his dress, "I-I don't have c-clothes."

 "I arranged some from the closet, not sure if they'll fit," Jungkook said, gesturing to the black hoodie and sweatpants on the bed.

 "Thank you," Taehyung muttered as he made his way inside the bathroom, his clothes in his hands.

Taehyung was now only wearing Jungkook's hoodie and baby blue cotton panties to bed. Since his clothes were due the next day, he made sure Jimin packed those at the very least. 

When he emerged from the bathroom, he felt shy and made many attempts to pull the hoodie over his knees. He looks to see Jungkook already looking at him before grabbing the file on his desk.

He sat down on the bed, leaning against the headboard. "Are you going to stand there for the rest of your life?" He inquires, his gaze fixed on the file.

Before leaping into bed and covering himself up, Taehyung let out an embarrassed squeak.

Time Skip

Taehyung wakes up as if it's an emergency, as if sleeping had become a dangerous act. 

His heart is racing, and his brain is buzzing, and the two are as panicked as jump-leads. His brain is now as flat as a battery, and the night's activities have been a marathon of inconsistent problem-solving. 

As a result, today will be spent hungover, not from alcohol, but from the dreams that require a solution.

He sat up and sipped from the glass of water on the bedside table. 

The thought of Hanuel being taken from him made his chest constrict. 

When he glances to his right, he sees Jungkook sleeping, one hand under his head and the other over his abdomen. 

He instantly scooted closer to Jungkook to feel his body warmth, not wanting to revisit the dream. 

He slid his head over his hand and carefully grabbed the other and rest it over his frame. Before closing his eyes, he drew a nervous breath.

Speaking on the phone.

Unknown: Do I have to do everything on my own? He's now married to the person I'm after.

Unknown: I had no idea he was going to marry someone else, fool.

Unknown: Whatever happens, I'll see what I can do about it.

Unknown: All right, I'll be in tomorrow. Make it quickly.

The phone call comes to an end.

Taehyung had underestimated the speed with which the morning arrived. 

He immediately moves away from Jungkook, not wanting to wake him and cause himself to be embarrassed. 

Because Jungkook had to go to work, he went about his morning routine before walking downstairs to make breakfast. He departed after making eggs and bacon for morning tea to see if Hanuel was awake.

Taehyung feels as if he's been to the moon and back. Jungkook clutching Hanuel to his naked chest, nose buried in his hair, inhaling the baby fragrance warmed his heart. 

He was attempting to form a connection with Hanuel. 

"Um, b-breakfast is ready," he said as he took hesitant steps towards them. 

He spoke quietly, as if he didn't want to ruin the moment. When Jungkook hears his voice, he turns around and kisses Hanuel's forehead.

He hums in response to Taehyung's statement before saying, "He just woke up" before deciding to leave and prepare for work. 

Taehyung lowers his gaze to avoid Jungkook's piercing stare. He is completely unaware that he is holding his breath.

Before Jungkook had gone to work, he made sure Taehyung and Hanuel were both comfortable and protected.

Just wanna say thank you to these supporters! ❣💜🖤





And also thanks to those who are also reading silently.


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