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Taehyung who woke up when he felt upset gently  removing himself from Jungkook's embrace.

He quickly ran towards the washroom vomiting the contents out from his stomach.

He then rinse his mouth clean before brushing it to get the after smell of vomiting out of his mouth.

He remembered the doctor told him that he will start having these kinds of symptoms and everybody's pregnancy is different after all.

The reason for his nosebleeds and dizziness.

As he emerges from the bathroom he sees Jungkook laying on his stomach with his hand hugging his pillow sleeping.

He smile lazily as he lays a kiss on his husband's forehead.

It is still early and Taehyung had no intention of sleeping again so he decides to check on Hanuel.

Instead of Hanuel being asleep the little boy was playing with his toys.

Taehyung cleared his throat gathering his son's attention.

Hanuel claps his hands quietly and murmurs "mama upsie ".

Taehyung hums as he gently lifts him up in his arms resting him on his hips being careful with his stomach.

He remembered calling his mom to tell her the news and she give couple of warnings about lifting weights.

Hanuel is small but the boy himself was solid.

He gained other wishes and congratulations from the family about a new edition.

He was teased by the girls and he was so shy he let them be cause life is cycle and he will get his turn.

His kisses Hanuel's cheeks as they head downstairs to make breakfast.

"What do you want for breakfast giggles?"

Taehyung laughs softly when he sees the boy pointing to his cheeks thinking.

"mas nana."

Hanuel replied gigling cutely when his mother places him on the baby seat.

"Mash banana it is, love."

He mashes banana for Hanuel and places it infront of Hanuel as the little boy wanted to eat by himself.

As he admires Hanuel he felt the need to smell lemons.

Right the doctor also told him about cravings and other symptoms of pregnancy.

He opens the fridge taking out a lemon sniffing it , sighing in relief while rubbing the small but noticeable bump.

He felt a big accomplishment but just sniffing the lemon, never thought lemon could smell this good.

Being in his own thoughts he did not notice Jungkook bracing by the door looking at him fondly.


Hanuel squeals as he saw Jungkook standing there.

Jungkook was in clad sweatpants hands in pockets no shirt, leaving his abs on display.

He simply looked smoking hot well those were Taehyung's thoughts whose eyes were checking him out.

"Good morning bun."

Jungkook spoke lovingly while kissing Hanuel on the lips urging him to eat more.

Hanuel couldn't be more happier as he thought he will make his daddy proud by eating by himself.

"Good morning to you too."

Jungkook teases when he sees Taehyung's expression.

Taehyung flushes red as he was caught, he bites his lip as a habit when he is nervous.

He really looked cute but sinfull with the small but noticeable bump, carrying his child, Jungkook thought.

He approaches Taehyung slowly as he circles his arms round Taehyung's waist, caressing the warm skin under his shirt.

"Morning." Taehyung answers timidly yet sighs softly at the feeling leaning on Jungkook.

"How are you feeling, how is the baby?"

Jungkook whispering  softly to Taehyung as he kisses the crown of his head.

"Good but i started vomiting as symptoms this morning. " Taehyung replied pouting.

His pregnancy just started yet already taking a toll on him.

"I  am sorry, but you are strong yeah."

Jungkook spoke as he watch the boy's mouth transform from a pout to a smile.

"The baby is fine, when are we going to tell Hanuel."

Taehyung replied unconsciously rubbing his stomach and Jungkook loves the look on his face like he is in peace.

"Soon baby soon."

Jungkook spoke as they both watched Hanuel eating the banana as he babbles once in a while.

Jungkook remembered his promise about buying fireworks, cake and ice-cream when it was Taehyung  turn to expect and that he will do tomorrow.

Just a notice this book will end soon :(

I have another book in mind ABO au, i will let you know the synopsis later.


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