Uninvited Guests

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Taehyung was bored when Jungkook left for work, so he decided to prepare cupcakes with the help of tiny Hanuel.

It was sweet for Taehyung since little Hanuel addressed Taehyung as 'Ma' he didn't miss the opportunity to say it again.

It was beyond lunchtime, and the mother and son were having a good time baking cupcakes, except when Taehyung had to hastily grasp Hanuel's chubby hands to keep him from eating the icing.

I put Hanuel on the floor and surrounded him with his toys after baking cupcakes.

I ate some snacks that I had packed and drank a glass of my favorite hot chocolate.

I then sank into the couch and started reading one of my favorite Hardy Boys books.

I decided to take a break after reading the book for nearly an hour. Suddenly I heard a loud 'thud' on the door.

My heart skipped a beat.

Frowning, he wondered who it was; he remembered his friends not showing up any time soon.

He approached the door with caution, nervously peering through the keyhole before taking a deep breath and unlocking it.

He noticed a young woman, maybe his age, with a horrible sneer on her lips, and an older man with her.

The man was not in his early thirties.

His age was difficult to tell because his life had left a strong stamp on his face.

He was gazing off into the distance, his eyes expressing either deep melancholy or cool tranquility.

Despite this, the expression was not at all icy.

"Good day, there, son-in-law."

He spoke in a gruff tone, his eyebrows raised expectantly.

Taehyung's eyes widened as he realized the man in front of him was Jungkook's father, and he assumed the girl next to him who snorted at the statement supposed to be Jungkook's fiancée.

"Are you not going to invite us in?"

With a sickeningly sweet voice, he inquired, making Taehyung think twice as to whether to let him in.

He invited them in with a pleasant smile, forgetting about his thoughts.

Please have a seat and ask if they want a glass of water while he awaited their response.

Mr. Jeon nodded in agreement, while the girl continued to twirl her hair with her fingers with a tsk.

Taehyung left them to collect the water, remembering to bring Hanuel along. When he returned, he sat down on the couch before them.

I'd like to inquire as to where Jungkook is, call him right now.

Mr. Jeon's voice became increasingly agitated as he spoke.

"H-he's at work," Mr. Jeon frowned, clearly dissatisfied with Taehyung's response.

"Call him now!" he screamed, his hand curled in rage.

Taehyung hurried to his feet and excused himself, not wanting Hanuel to cry, so he dialed Jungkook's number.

"Hello, J-jungkook," Taehyung spoke confidently, but Jungkook was certain that he heard the trembling words at the end.

"Taehyung, what is it?" He was confused as to why Taehyung had called him, but when he stated the reasons, he no longer needed to listen.

"In five minutes, I'll be there." Taehyung and Hanuel were left waiting for him when the phone was disconnected.

With two pairs of eyes on him and Hanuel, Taehyung returns to the couch.

Mr. Jeon's accompanied woman piped up, shattering the stillness.

"Is he coming or not?" she said, her nails immaculately shined.

"H-he'll be here in a few minutes," Hanuel's head was tucked into the crook of his neck when he replied.

When Jungkook claimed he'd be there in five minutes, he wasn't lying.

There he was standing tall and powerful, and he appeared to be quite threatening.

Taehyung couldn't focus on what he was saying because his voice was so loud, so booming.

He morphed into a completely new guy.

His eyes had turned a dreadful shade of black.

His face was etched with a harsh expression.

He made a fist and slammed the door behind him after driving his fingers into the wall. "What in the world are you up to?"

Hanuel snaps his head up to Jungkook's voice as if on cue.

For a brief while, Jungkook and Taehyung believed the tone had scared him.

They were surprised, though, when Hanuel made grabby hands and muttered 'Da.'

Taehyung's palms were clammy as his heart trembled with dread.

However, as Jungkook saw them, his eyes softened and he walked over to them, taking Hanuel into his arms and kissing his forehead gently.

He gestures to Taehyung that they will talk about it later, and he nods, fully realizing that they had a bigger matter to deal with.

He finally turns around to face his father, his eyes frigid and his expression solemn.

He then noticed a woman by his father's side, who had a strange smirk on her powdered face.

When Chloe noticed him staring at her, she made her way closer to him, using her annoying high pitch voice 'Jungkookie'.

"Who the hell are you?"

He snarled and shoved the woman in front of him, preventing her from touching him.

"You have no right to say that! My name is Chloe, and I'm your fiancée!" She screamed, making Hanuel squirm and grip Jungkook's shirt, to which he rubs his back to soothe him.

"As far as I know, I've only put a ring on Taehyung 's finger, and I'm too happily married to worry about women like you."

He clenched his teeth while staring at her in pure disgust at the choice of clothes she wore.

Mr. Jeon, who had been silent for several minutes, finally spoke out. "Chloe, please leave; this is now a private matter between myself and my family."

Looking at her, he knew she'd make a scene.

The woman stubbed her toes and glared fiercely at the couple and the infant in Jungkook's arms.

"I apologize for bringing her here without permission, Jungkook." Mr. Jeon stared at them both as he spoke.

"Isn't it too late for that now?" Jungkook murmured monotonously as he handed Hanuel over to Taehyung and walked out of the room with lengthy strides.

Mr. Jeon's voice makes Taehyung look up awkwardly, as if he doesn't know what to say.

When he saw Taehyung's face, he chuckled to himself and said, "Ah, I knew he'd go against me, so it's not unexpected to see him already married."


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