Drunken Confession

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Jungkook stepped outside after leaving Taehyung with his father to catch some fresh air.

Mr. Jeon, on the other hand, drew Taehyung's attention instantly; he is such a sweet old man, and Taehyung doesn't understand why Jungkook dislikes him.

He asked Taehyung quietly, yearning looks on his face, "Can I see my grandson?" Taehyung couldn't say no, so he handed Hanuel's sleeping body to him with care.

"At the age of five, Jungkook refused his mother's aid in dressing him for school, claiming that he was a big guy."

Mr. Jeon said he smiled when he heard Taehyung laughing.

"So, since he's out, I'm going to leave now because I don't want to aggravate him any further."

He muttered this as he stood up after securing Hanuel on the couch. Taehyung rose up as well, leading him to the door.

"As my son-in-law, I like you Taehyung-ah."

MR. Jeon had left, and Taehyung was left to look after Hanuel.

He made sure he cooked dinner knowing that Jungkook did not eat anything before he stormed out of the house.

Taehyung was busy stroking Hanuel's buttocks so he could sleep, as the food had become cold.

Taehyung sighs, his only thought being where Jungkook could have gone.

He got up and walked over to the open balcony.

As he glanced at the moon, he sang a random melody to himself.

It was a very peaceful and relaxing night.

The breeze was cool, and Taehyung enjoyed the way the chilly air caressed his delicate skin.

He suddenly heard the door unlocked downstairs and thought to himself, "Seems like he's home," as he stood still in his position.

But he let out a gasp when he felt cold, rough hands glides across his exposed tummy.

"What are you doing, J-Jungkook?"

As he felt Jungkook kissing his nape before burying his nose in his neck's junction, he  softly asked.

When Jungkook sush and begged him to let him stay for a few minutes, Taehyung realized Jungkook was in fact intoxicated.

"Did you drink Jungkook?" He questioned quietly and sighed  when the other hummed in answer.  

He did not turn until he felt Jungkook's grip loosen.

Taehyung was well aware that Jungkook required his guidance the most at this time.

He didn't need to ask why he was drinking because he already knew his father visit had triggered a memory.

He swung around and gently caressed Jungkook's cheeks while holding his face in his palms.

Jungkook, who was leaning towards the touch, was pleased. Jungkook softly called out "Taehyung," to which he hummed in response.

"I adore Hanuel and am grateful for the opportunity to be his father."

Jungkook talked with enormous emotion disguised in his voice, while Taehyung knew from his actions, but hearing it from Jungkook affected him harder than he expected.

"You know, I've always wanted to be a father but haven't been able to find the proper partner."

And seeing you be the best mother for Hanuel made me realize how fortunate I am to have you."

He said moving his arms to Taehyung's waist massaging the bare skin while staggering in his steps.

Jungkook's rough yet frigid hands on Taehyung's waist made him sigh.

"Look at me, Jungkook, you don't have to thank me I'm grateful to have you as well."

Taehyung grumbled, hoping Jungkook wouldn't remember anything the next day.

"Yeah?" Jungkook spoke, a strand of hair caught in his hand and tucked behind Taehyung ears.

"I am positive that I am falling for you, Taehyung." Looking at his reaction , he stated.

Taehyung choked on his saliva as a result of that sentence alone.

"Hey, it's fine if you don't agree."

After all, he did drop the confession like a grenade, so Jungkook whispered quietly in an attempt to console the male.

When Taehyung heard what he said, he looked up at Jungkook, shaking his head in opposition to him.

He knew Jungkook wouldn't remember because of his slurred speech.

So why doesn't he just say what's on his mind?

He raises his eyes to see Jungkook waiting for his response.

"I-I l-like you, too, for a long time."

He muttered this while fiddling with the hem of his shirt.

"Take a look at me, baby."

Jungkook made a mild demand.

Taehyung's cheeks flush as he hears the nickname, and he glances up to see Jungkook staring him down.

"As Jungkook drew in close, lips brushing hesitantly together for the first time, warmth flared in Taehyung's chest, sparks blazing.

His cologne, as well as the delicate, strawberry flavor of Taehyung's conditioner, made him dizzy, causing butterflies to dance in his stomach.

But when Taehyung moved into the kiss, Jungkook's lips were unbelievably smooth against his own, a wave of warmth washed over him."

Due to a lack of air, they both eventually broke the kiss.

Taehyung's cheeks were flushed, and the kiss had made his lips swell.

Since his knees buckled, he leans against Jungkook.

The sight of Taehyung panting for air and his face buried in his chest, on the other hand, was a dream come true for Jungkook.

"Where is our baby, Taehyung?" Jungkook inquired, his hands still holding his waist.

"He has fallen asleep."

Taehyung responds by resting his head on Jungkook's chest.

Jungkook simply hums before informing Taehyung that it is late and that they should head to their beds.

Taehyung obliged because he was exhausted after today's drama.


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