7: Only for you

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*trigger warning: assault and blackmail
Elyse POV

We walked in the party with our hands intertwined. I looked over to sin and saw him already looking over at me. We walk over to the counter and I watch as he pours me a couple shots. I take a shot and then offer some to him. He shakes his head. I look around looking for Spence and Selene. I do a double take as I see them making out. I internally scream in happiness as I nudge sin's arm. He looks at me alarmed. "Look over there." I say as a point to them. He follows where I was pointing at and his eyes widen. "Finally." He sighs as I take a second and third shot.

"Let's go dance." I say as I attempt to pull him with me. Key word being attempt. He gives me blank look as he pulls me back into him. "I don't dance, Elyse. You know that."he says.

"Do it for me. Come on please. I really want to dance with you." I say giving him the puppy dog eyes. He sighs in defeat letting me pull him with me and says "Only for you, Elyse. Only for you."


After a while Spence and Selene joined us. We both acted like we didn't know about their little make out. After dancing and drinking a lot more shots I'm officially wasted.

I just realize this is Tyler's party and he's no where to be found. I remember what he said the other day, but I'm kind of hoping he will change his mind or say it was a mistake. Either way we've been friends for so long we have to fix this.

I'm now sitting on Sin's lap as he is talking to Spence about something. "I'm gonna go find Tyler."I say. I watch as his head snaps over to me and his conversation with Spence comes to a sudden stop. Spence let's out a small chuckle and then turns his attention a sleeping Selene in his lap. Sin looks at me with his brows furrowed and his jaw clenched. "Why?" He asks and I can tell he's trying to stay calm at the mention of him. "We just have to talk about something." I say. His grip on my waist tightens as if he's afraid of losing me. "Let me come with you. You're drunk right now." He says. I shake my head. "No please. I'll do this on my own. I'll just be like 10 minutes." He opens his mouth in protest but I interrupt. "Don't worry. Please." He sighs and kisses me on my cheeks. I let go of him and walk away.

Im walking around the halls looking for Tyler, when suddenly I'm pulled in to a room and pushed against the wall. I begin to thrash around in the persons hold when I saw who it was. "Oh Tyler I was looking for-" I said but I was interrupted when Tyler roughly grabbed my chin and said "shut up, you bitch. What the fuck do you think your doing?" My brows furrowed in confusion to the tone he was speaking to me in. "What? What do you mean?" He clenched his jaw as his eyes filled with anger. A dangerous look overtaking his face. "Don't play with me Elyse. I'm done being patient with you. You're mine and it's time you understand." I've never seen Tyler like this. Confusion and fear filled me as I looked at him and said "Tyler please stop your hurting me." His eyes went to his hold on my chin a sinister smile forming on his face and said "oh it's hurting. Good let it hurt. Bad girls get punished. You, Elyse, you've been a bad girl."

Tears started filling my eyes from the pain. I tried to push him off. "Let go. Tyler I'm done having this conversation with you" I said.

"Oh but I'm not done." He let go of my chin and walked to the door locking it and then grabbing his phone out his pocket. I tried to run to the door but he grabbed me and threw to the floor. My back hit against the wall and a whimper flew out my mouth as pain erupted in my back. "Tyler please. Let me go. What are you doing?" I said more tears running down my face. He bent down to my level and brought his phone up to my face. He pointed to his phone and said "watch." I looked at him in confusion then looked at the phone.

I gasped and my head filled with confusion. What? How did he get these. Camera footage of my dad beating me last night. I covered my mouth when camera footage of me naked came on. "What the fuck is this Tyler?" I yelled. He just smiled and said "remember that teddy bear I gave you for your 15th birthday. The one you keep on your bed. Yeah, that has a camera in it. I've been watching every single thing happening in your room since your were 15."

I was even more confused now. But most of all I felt hurt. Betrayed. Violated. Why would Tyler do this? Tyler's my best friend. "Why? Why would you do this?" He grabbed me by my neck and stood me up. He pushed me against a wall and said "Because now I own you Elyse. You're all mine. I know about the abuse. And I have videos of you naked. Not to mention some videos of you touching yourself. Really great videos by the way. Made me cum so many times." I gasped and more tears poured down. I was basically sobbing at this point.

Both our heads snapped to the door when we heard a knock on the door. Then sin's voice. "Hey, Elyse you in there?" I was about to yell for help. When Tyler tightened his hand around my throat making it hard for breathe. "Get him to go away." He said in my ear. I panted for air and said "yeah sin I'm fine. I'll be there in 5 minutes. Don't come in. I'll be there in a little bit." I heard him groan and then his footsteps become more and more faint. Tyler released my throat and I felt to the floor gasping for air.

"Okay listen, elyse, you're going to do whatever I tell you to do. And I'm not going to tell anyone about the abuse or leak naughty little videos of you. Okay, angel?" Angel didn't even sound right coming from his mouth. When Sin said it, it made me feel loved, cared for, special but when he said it, it made me feel disgusting, imprisoned.

As if he saw my hesitation he added "Do you think sin would want you after he finds out you get abused like a pathetic little bitch. Huh? He will think you're worthless and disgusting and weak and useless. Do you sin would see your scars and bruises and still think your hot? Sin doesn't like anything beyond your pretty little face. And if he finds out about all the stuff I have on you he will hate you."

My fathers words rang through my mind "any boy that says he likes you is a liar." Sin would hate me. He would be disgusted by me. He wouldn't want me anymore. I would lose sin. I can't lose sin.

"Okay. Okay I'll do whatever you want just don't show anyone those videos." I said my voice breaking and silent tears running down my face.

He came up to me gently picking me up and cupping me cheeks. It's crazy how his touch can so quickly change from cold and rough to warm and gentle. "That's a good girl. Now go clean up your face and reapply some of your make up. I bought some make up stuff for you." He walks to his desk and opens a drawer. "Look." He says with a smile. I look and the whole drawer is filled with brand new make up. What the fuck? Is this guy a psychopath? "Say thank you." He says his creepy smile still on his face. I internally roll my eyes. "Thank you."


After cleaning up and doing my make up again I walk up to Tyler. "Can I go now?" He looks at me and cups my face pushing a hair strand back. "No we'll go together. Don't forgot to do whatever I ask you, okay?" I nod my head and mutter and 'okay' "good girl. Now kiss me." I look up at him with wide eyes. "Tyler please don't-" I stop myself when his eyes are once again filled with anger. Scared to get hurt again I lean in and kiss him. He kisses me back. But it wasn't like how it was with sin. This was obvious it was forced. It was sloppy and it felt disgusting. Tears fell down my face as I swallowed the rising bile back down.

Authors note
I'm so sorry about this.🥺

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