15: Losing her

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Trigger warning: graphic content
Sin POV:

"Sin, you're phones ringing." Spence said from the table. I was now making my mom some lunch, Spence was sitting at the table, trying to find out what pills Elyse could be using. "Just answer it." I said.

"Hello?" Spence said. "Elyse?....what are you talking about?.... Fucking hell okay I'm coming, just stay awake." I looked at him alarmed and confused. "What's going on?" I asked. Spence looked at me with his face now pale and his eyes widened. "We gotta go. I'll explain in the car." He said as I grabbed my car keys and ran out the door.

"What the fucks going on Spence?" I asked feeling the nerves rise up. My chest was heavy. I had a bad feeling. A really bad fucking feeling. "She said she needed help. She said there was a lot of blood. She said to hurry." He said as he ran his hands through his hair, pulling it.

Blood? Why was she bleeding? Suddenly all my body was on full panic mode. I sped up the car, passing a few red lights and pulled over to her house. I ran out the car and burst through the house.

I gasped and took a few shocked steps back as I saw her on the floor. Tears immediately fell down my face. Just like that, my whole world comes breaking down. Her face pale as hell except the big bruise on her left eye, Blood surrounding her, and a knife sticking out of her stomach. No. No. Fuck, please no.

Who did this to her? I could feel the anger rising up. Who fucking hurt her? I bent down holding her in my arms. Shes going to be okay. She has to. She can't just leave me. Ignoring the shocked gasp of Spence behind me. "Hey, no no no, angel stay awake." I sobbed as she looked at me with tired eyes.

No. No. No. I'm losing her. I'm seriously fucking losing her.

I picked her up, yelling at Spence to start the car. Sitting in the backseat with her in my arms. "Hey, Elyse. Don't close your eyes. Baby, don't leave me. Shit." I cried, cupping her cheeks with my blood covered hand to wipe her tears and kissed her forehead, Spence started speeding towards the hospital. "Do you forgive me?" She said, which came out as barely a whisper.

No. This isn't the end for us. This isn't how your story ends, Angel. It can't be.

"Please sin." She chokes out as a few more tears fall down her face. "I forgive you. I forgive you angel. Just stay awake. Please, stay awake." I cry out, tucking her hair behind her eyes and kissing her forehead again and again. My pretty girl.

I rush out the car and into the hospital holding her little body as she slips in and out of consciousness. "Help. God damn it. Someone help me." I yelled. Nurses and doctors came rushing over us and I put her down on the stretcher. They rushed over to a room and I followed behind them when I was stopped by a nurse. "Sir, I'm sorry you have to wait outside."

I open my mouth to argue when Spence holds me back. "Leave it man. It's not the time." I nod and look back at him. He has tears in his eyes too. His face is pale and his eyes are swollen. I sit down on the chairs and for the first time in 13 years, I pray.

I put my head in my hand, letting my tears fall freely. Please. Please don't take her away from. I beg you. I'll do whatever she asks of me. I leave her alone if that's what she wants. Please just let her wake up. Please.

I look up when I feel an arm on my shoulder. My mom looks down at me with tears in her eyes and a small smile. "Spence called me and told me what happened. She will be okay. She's a strong girl." She sits in the chair next to me and pulls me in a hug.

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I break down in a sob. "Mama. She can't leave me. I need her. She won't leave. Right?" I cry out. "She won't leave baby. She'll be okay." She says as she rubs my back. "I'm in love with her mama. I love her so much."


A couple ours later, my mom and Spence had fallen asleep. I couldn't. I couldn't sleep with the thought of her leaving. I just couldn't. All I kept thinking about was that she can't leave me. I'm still repeating those words in my mind. She can't leave me. She can't leave. God, please. She can't fucking leave me.

Suddenly the door to the emergency room and a doctor stepped out. I quickly got up. "What happened? How is she?" I asked. Please tell me she's okay. Tell me she's okay. I beg you. "It was a really hard surgery, but she's okay." She said smiling.

I took a huge breath of relief as a couple tears of happiness fell down my face. Thank you. Thank you god for her. "Can I see her?" I ask eagerly. "Yes, in about 5 minutes you can see her, one person at a time. There were also bruises on her body and one on her face. Do you know anything about he she got stabbed or the bruises?"

She has bruises on her body too? "No I don't." She nodded and walked away. I turned around to see my mom and Spence already awake with a smile on their faces. My mom hugged me as she said "I told you she'd be okay. Go on, go see her, now."

I walk towards her room, slowly Opening the door. A smile formed on my face as I saw her. She was sleeping. She looked better. Her face was less pale and more importantly the monitor showing her pulse was beating. She was ok. My pretty girl is okay.

I sat on the chair near her bed, holding her hand. I left a kiss on her hand and took a deep breath before I spoke. "You scared me. I thought I lost you Elyse." I brought up her hands to my face, making it caress my cheeks. I sighed in satisfaction of her touch. I felt grateful to be able to feel her touch once more. "I lo-"

I was interrupted when someone burst through the door. Tyler walked in with a worried expression. Elyse stirred as she groaned, letting me know he woke her up. I let go of her hand and walked up to him "You woke her up dickhead." I growled angrily.

"Shut up. I'm her boyfriend. Why are you even here?" He loudly said. I opened my mouth ready to snap at him when I heard her voice. Her lovely angelic voice. "Sin?" I turned around, completely forgetting about Tyler. I was just grateful to hear her voice one more time. "You're okay, Angel. You're at the hospital, it's okay." I said caressing her hair.

"Stop touching my fucking girlfriend. She's mine."he said as he pulled me away. I wanted to punch him. But I couldn't. At least not right now, in front of her. Tyler sat down next to her holding her hand and kissing it. Just like I did...

The doctor suddenly came in with two cops.
"Oh I see you're awake. These two policemen are here to take your statement. After that you'll stay here for the night and you will be discharged tomorrow morning." The doctor said and then left.

"Can you tell us what happened?" One of the policemen said. "Someone broke in the house. They beat me, and when I tried to fight back they stabbed me." She said. Anger rose up in me as I imagined how scary that must've been for her. "Do you have any idea who they could've been?" They asked. She shook her head as she said no. "Okay. Please sign here. And we'll contact you or your father if we need more information." They said as they left.

Were the fuck is her father? Does he know she's in the hospital? Why's he not here right now? "Tyler can I sleep at your place for a while?" Elyse said, looking nervous. She's sleeping at his place? I keep forgetting that she has a boyfriend that she loves. And it's not me. Tyler smiles as he says "of course baby." He kisses her and with that I head out the room. It's so fucking weird to third wheel with the girl you're in love with.

Authors note

Sorry for the previous cliffhanger:(

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