39: Locket

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Authors note:
It's decided we're not doing a sad alternative ending.

I want to make a playlist for this book, so give me any recommendations you have.

Elyse POV
"So when's the wedding?" Sin's mom asks. We're talking on the phone to her. She was very excited to hear that I said yes, saying that sin had been planning the proposal for a long time.

"3 months mama." Sin says.

Sin is so impatient to get married. I told him you can't plan a wedding in 3 months but he insisted. We're not having a big wedding anyway. Just a small one. We've also been moving in the new house so there is so much going on.

"Oh my god. I'm so excited. My babies are growing up, getting married." She says. "Soon, I'm gonna have grandkids."

I tense, my smile turning to a frown.

"Mama we gotta go. I'll call you later." Sin says, sensing the drop in my mood. I fall back on the couch, shutting my eyes as he hangs up.

I don't know why I can't get over it. Every times it's brought up I'm reminded of that horrifying night.

Sin, pulls me on top of him, hugging me to his chest, leaving a kiss on the top of my head.

"Talk to me." he says, his hand rubbing down my back.

"I just- I don't know why I can't get over it. And I'm so scared. Scared of getting pregnant again. Scared of it ever happening again. I'm so scared sin." I cry out, tears falling down my face as I smash my face harder against his chest.

He runs his hand through my hair, pushing them out of my face.

"And we're getting married, soon everyone's gonna expect kids. You're gonna want kids. And I can't do that. Not right now. I'm not ready to have kids, and I don't know when I will be." I continue. My sobs getting louder, feeling myself start to panic.

"Baby, take a deep breath. Come on, angel take a deep breath for me." He says, trying to calm me.

I take a couple deep breaths, feeling my self calm down.

I know I'm gonna disappoint him. He wants kids. Even though he doesn't like kids, he said he wants them with me. And I can't give that to him. Not now.

"Listen to me now okay?" He says, his voice firm.

I nod, tears still falling down my face.

"You don't need to get over it. Losing our baby, was really hard, for both of us. But especially for you. It's understandable to feel scared, or to grief about it." He pauses to kiss my forehead.

"And we move at your pace, baby. I don't expect anything. You're enough. Whenever you're ready- however long that might take- is when I'll be ready. We'll move at your pace, okay. You have all the time in the world. I'm not going anywhere."

He always manages to say the perfect things. Always.

I nod, snuggling in his chest as he wraps his arm tighter around me.


"Okay, you guys, I have an important question to ask you." I say.

Ashton, Jax, Selene and I where now sitting in the living room having hot chocolate. Spence and sin were out.

They're heads snap to me, giving me their attention.

I was kind of nervous.

Would they say no?

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