Chapter 4

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Another update because I love you to the moon and back, dive in.

Amnah inhales deeply the aroma of egusi being fried in Palm oil. The kind of effect it has on her brain, salivating her mouth instantly she wonders. She wish she could get a pounded yam as the accompaniment of her egusi soup but she'll have to manage semovita with it.

She added grated pepper, bell peppers and onions and continues stirfrying the mixture taking in the scent that's making her stomach go for World War III. Spices were added next and then water to boil before adding vegetables.

With a cold-sweated Zobo beside her food she neatly sat on the praying rug folding her leggings clad legs and sitting on them. She wore a tank top up to give her the fresh air she needs or she'll die of too much sweetness. Breaking the soft bones of the nkobi goat meat time to time and appreciating the goodwill of her Lord.

"Enjoyment galore", her roommate's visitor spoke upon sighting her.

"Abi", she murmurs smiling "Join me please".

"I'll join you later", she lied down on her friend's bed closing her eyes.

"I'll hold you on that" she gets back to savouring her meal making a mental note to take a refreshing shower after that and a nap.


She stare at the image formed in the mirror of a light skinned slim lady of five feet three with a full chest dressed in a white satin shirt and black flare skirt. A peach ready-to-wear shoulder length hijab bringing out her V-shaped face. With a peach chained handbag and same colored sandals wedge she's good to go.

She hails the taxi and states her destination. In no time she was being transported to the front of her lecture theatre that stands erect between her faculty building and that of Physics complex on it is written Science theatre in block letters. She enters into the theatre and right after her is the lecturer taking the class and two students holding his laptop bag and some books.
He appoints some students including her to lock the glass entrance doors.

Professor Solomon took his time to mount the projector and the first slide of his material was visible to all the students before he gave them his full attention.

"You", he points at the guy sitting next to Amnah "State the steps for infection process involving viral diseases".

"entry into potential host, attach.. ",

"next", he said gesturing towards Amnah at the same time cutting off the boy abruptly.

"Emmm.....attachment into a susceptible cell".

"Next", he points to another elsewhere. "Replication of virus particle within the host cell".

"there's a step before that.... You what's that? "

"No idea", he said nonchalantly that students had to turn to see who was that in Professor Solomon's class.

"Leave my class" his nostrils flare up in anger "Look at how shameless you are with your ignorance. 'No idea' he mock the boy "like that is the most neutral thing to say. I have said it times without number and I'll continue to say it till I have only the students that are ready to learn in my class. If you are not ready to be serious don't bother coming to my class, I won't take attendance because with or without it the students that want to learn will learn".

"you ",

"penetration of viral nucleic acid".

Professor Solomon continued with his questions before starting the lecture of the day. The lecturer tolerates 0% of unseriousness. He always use to say he's a father and he knows how a father will feel if he sends his child to school and the child decides to waste his hard earned money.

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