Chapter 10

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Filler Chapter!

Eid in Makkah is always different from the one in Nigeria but there are similarities just like with any other Muslim society. The celebratory ambience, everyone automatically becomes an early bird on eids no matter how late they go to bed. Breakfast was served in their respective rooms and the men like always had to wait for the women except Goggo Saude that wouldn't even wait for anyone so she went with her first grandson who's the only 4th generation Tambari on the trip. He lost his mother at a tender age and grew up with her.

Amnah, Amatullah and Ammi wear the same type of lace with different colour, with white hijab making them four with hijab including Goggo saude while all the other women are in abayas.

The tambari men are miraculously all wearing natives today but he stands out in an ash coloured jumper kaftan with his Babban Riga neatly folded on his arm.

"You are the only one not wearing white", Baba shamsu pointed out because all the guys are.

"Safaa pooed on her Ammu's eid wear, its a blessing, a sign that you're going to settle down soon". She winks and was graced with an eye before he clears his throat.

" We'll be late for prayer".

The banter between the siblings made Amnah imagine how good of a husband Arshad will be to his lucky bride.

Haydar has been acting off lately, spending more time outside probably at the arena with his friends. The last fall out they had was because he kept inviting people like he has kept a chef at home. He'll just wakeup from his morning nap and tell her four of his friends are coming over. Then another day he ask her if there's something out of stock because he has invited his friends over for iftaar the following day.

That was when she latched out. How can the people you invite get to know first before the person making the meal? She gave a humorous laugh and turned back to the mirror to continue wiping her face. "And that too, a night before the day. Get me a help then because I can't do it alone".

That night she turns her back on him and he didn't bother to persuade her but a new day bring new hopes right?

She texted her mother very early in the morning to help her with a maid and in her glory the woman didn't question her why, she only said the girl must return for the night and she obliged.

He left for office before Martha came and she helped her do so many things. Before maghrib the Persian carpets were spread on the lawn and variety of food in display, garden lights illuminating the whole compound.

Martha helps her clean up and she waited for her husband so they can return the girl but mummy sent her driver before he was back. She was having a shower when she heard his movement and before she could finish dressing up he went out for maghrib prayer.

The men came in to the parlour after prayer, they exchanged pleasantries and were all teasing her. They had a light breakfast and prayed isha before having their fill.

When they left, haydar didn't even see it fit to say weldone or even thank you. He didn't even ask how she pulled through, he was just smiling like a Cheshire cat when his friends were complementing. He went up to their room to sleep leaving her dishes outside.

It was the gate man that helped her pack them up and brought it to her door while she takes it to the kitchen. For the first time in her life has anything dirty stayed in her kitchen over the night. She has thank Allah so many times that she has made Suhoor because she was tired to her bones.

The next day when she was sorting them out and loading them into the dish washer, he sat on the kitchen stool and was gisting her about his friend's reaction to her tantalizing meal and she took that as his way of saying thank you.

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