Chapter 14

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Enjoy your Friday morning with this delicioso. Don't forget to recite Suratul Kahf and pray for Nigeria and the Muslim Ummah around the world.

Dive in.

The next day, Kabiru called his brother  Mustapha for an urgent meeting in his office. Knowing Mustapha will be in town for a meeting with the federal government as an active member of ASUU about the suspended strike.

But Mustapha had more on his plate for that day. A meeting with NUC on accreditation of new courses by noon and then he will fly back and another meeting awaits him with the Vice Chancellor.

The brother then postponed the meeting till a day after tomorrow. He knows his wife and the people supporting her view on the COO issue are by on edge waiting for his final judgement but they know better than asking him about it when he is not the one initiating the talk.

They know very well that whatever he says wouldn't be withdrawn, it stands like the statue of liberty in New York. And so they wouldn't want to provoke him and make his judgement not in their favour. They are all on their toes wanting to impress him not that they don't do that on a daily basis but their belts are more tightened.

Baba Kabiru came for the meeting in the Chairman's office of the main Tambari Nigeria Ltd. Complex in Ademola Adetokunbo Road, wuse Abuja.

The receptionist didn't budge even with the name "Tamabari" on his ID card, it means many have used it to their favour to the extent it became invalid. She checked for his acclaimed booked appointment and confirmed it before letting him into the office.

His brother is sitting at the executive swivel chair behind the mahogany table concentrating on a file. "Assalamu alaikum", he requested entrance and was welcomed in with a reply.

The brother close the file after placing a bookmark, Prof. Mustapha progressed into the spacious office and sat on one of the two visitor's chairs at the front of the table that holds the nameplate Dr. Kabiru Tambari and his position below it.

"I'm sure you don't mind having tea", he beamed at his junior brother talking about his addiction since when he was small.

The brother reciprocated and stood up walking beside his brother to the kitchette, their resemblance like a photocopy of an old textbook. The only difference being the wrinkle of the old one, and its indication in the new one. And of course the body weight.

Baba Kabiru is huge, fat and tall with a pot belly while his junior brother is lankier.

The elder brother made a Black Tea with honey and his brother made Green Tea with sugar, both without milk. They each grab a packaged snack and walk farther into the office sitting on the couch parallel to each other, with a marble-top center table between them and a shelve of different genre of books on the wall beside them. The CEO's personal library apart from the general one downstairs.

Dr. Kabiru stir his tea with a tea spoon and raised the Chinese mug to his mouth for a sip and then took the cup back to its saucer.

"This man here" he points towards himself,  "needs to rest. I want to create the office of a Chief Operating Officer (COO) ".

"Masha Allah" Baba Mustapha chuckles, he has been on edge wanting to know why his brother sent for him, he was afraid if it is an emergency but seeing the way his brother is cool about it, he became satisfied mid-way.

"It's high time you rest your bones. I hope its not relating to your health", he ask concerned.

"Not at all. I am beginning to go down the slope, old age stuff. Hope you get me", his nods and took a bite of his snack washing it down with few gulps of tea.

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