Chapter 31

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  Arshad was getting back from the convenience when his eyes saw a tall lanky man speak to Amnah. He froze on the spot.

Maybe he's asking her for a direction or so.

But the man sat on the only free seat, the seat he left a few minutes ago. He said something to which she did laugh, the kind of laughter that he has never seen her give to any man before.

The smile tore at his heart and so does the fair skinned malnourished man with sluggish eyes.

Amnah was saying something at interval and the guy punch on his phone. He drew back his chair, rose, gave her an ugly smile and walks out of the space.

Arshad went back to the convenience to try and calm himself so he doesn't make a scene that will add to the pile on his plate. He did a few breathing exercises and splashed water on his face. He grabbed a kerchief from his pocket and pat dry his face.

"What took you so long? I almost rang code pink".

He gave her a dare-to-ask look and sat on his chair. She thought he was not going to talk again but then, "I didn't want to interrupt your double dealing." Amnah shifted her gaze from her plate of food to his face and then back to her food.

"Giving your contact to a guy while you're on a date with another, that's quite respectful."

She drops the chopstick and look him straight in the eye. "You know what this is," she pointed to him and her with her pointer finger. "More reason why you shouldn't do this publicly. Heck. Not even privately because he will think low of us all."

"The culprit is apprehended, this THING is coming to an end. I have a life to live and if it's going to be with a man then i won't let the one that tickles my fancy slip away."

That was enough for both of them. Enough they can say while still bottling the emotions that comes with the words. They didn't intend to act out of script but unforseen circumstances happens.



In crisis like this, it is insiders that give first-hand information but in their own case it's the insider that did the dirty job. The Aloe Vera was treated for all the infections identified but there seems to be more. An anonymous dropped a hint of what the infection may be, a very rare infection in Nigeria, that is if it has ever been recorded.

The antidote worked perfectly fine and the tracing of who the anonymous is and why he/she didn't come directly with it started. Lo and behold, it was one of their most trusted, the supervisor of Irrigation team.

He started working as a laborer in Tambari farms when it was not even a company. Whenever Dr. Tambari visits, he will sit and gist with his laborers about the farm and the recent happenings in the world. Most times they get their lunch from his house or they set a fire and roast whatever crop is in season or a farm animal. He loves taking Arshad with him for this trips so that he can have a bit of the fun he had growing up in the village.

That was how he got to know how intelligent Baba Yakubu is and that he would have been so great if he got an opportunity like him. So, he gave him an opportunity by enrolling him in adult education. He did as expected and continued his studies majoring in agriculture since that's his area of expertise.

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