Chapter 32

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Today in my prayer i asked God to show me the day I'll wake up beside you. The day I'll have no worries forever.

That's the message she got from Khalifa while she was still on praying mat and her conversation with Zubayda played through her mind's eye.

"Zuby i met Dunoma," she sat on the bed folding one of her legs under her butt leaving the other hanging by the bed side.

"Dunoma? As in Khalifa Dunoma?"

"Which Dunoma did you know? We met in Woks and Koi and he was professing his undying love for me."

"That guy is so unfortunate but wait, didn't you go with Mr. COO? Don't tell me he caused a ruckus because I'll break somebody's son's bones today" she dropped her phone that she didn't look up from since when the conversation started.

Amnah told her what transpired between them without minding that Zuby was punctuating her gist with hiss.

"Look. I don't care if you love him or not but i will not look at you while you throw yourself under the bus for such an unfortunate man. Who does he even think he is? The last man on earth?"

"Calm down. Nobody is going back to him. Once bitten, twice shy besides he is married and i have a man in my life now so he can pack and go."

"You won't be involved with him even if  you have no man in your life."



Aunt Maleikha could read the memo right off her husband's demeanor. He aged a decade in just a few hours, it is definitely not about something flimsy. She has never come across a man as strong as her husband,not that she has never seen him this down but if resilience is human then it is definitely him.

This minute he is getting worked up about work and the next minute his taqwa in letting Allah take charge of his affairs charges to a hundred percent.

Asking him about it means speaking more of it which also mean hurting her husband more, so, she went straight into damage control mode. He refused to eat and she did not persuade him, when she was sure he was fast asleep she went straight to the kitchen to cook what he can't resist.

And then he woke up and she got the shock of her life because her husband outrightly rejected the Sinasir she made.

What could be the problem?

She speed dialed her first child because her husband normally tells her all that she should know so why is her keeping mum about this.

We lost the Aloe Contract, they got in this morning and we went for inspection in the afternoon. We are not liable for compensatory damages because it is right there in our termination clause of the contract. We are just lucky they aren't going to push a claim on breach of contract or fraud.

Inalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un.

"Also, we  found who was behind the Aloe infestation."

"That should elevate your Abba. The culprit should be made to carry the burden, they should know not to dabble into our affairs next time. We have the right legal team for this, why is your Abba sulking."

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