Chapter 30

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The make-up artist took a few shots and a video before she proceeded to packaging her equipments while her assistant takes them out to the car.

Mr. COO was dazed at her appearance, she saw it from the way he released a long breadth after sweeping her up with his eyes. He didn't say it but she could see it on his lips so she told him what she knows he's feeling reluctant to say.

"You're looking good", she is not lying because the ash colour brocade tailored into knee length kaftan with a matching Babban Riga hanging on his hand made her breadth hitch, it took a deep swallow for the lump to peristalsis down to her stomach and then turn into wild horses galloping.

She had to chant to her ancestors to gather all their courage before her feet could move her to where he was standing beside the car. He smiled and the "Jazakh" he mutters was so swift and soft like he is scared of what might follow after that. She just rolled her eyes at his nonchalance and stepped into the car.

All she could think of on their way to International Conference Centre is how she is going to make an appearance to the vice president's only son's wedding as the groom's best man's girlfriend. She is sure there's a protocol for groomsmen entrance and is only men that can be in the train, except if theirs is different.

All this was because she was trying to distract herself from the woody citrusy scent of his perfume. If not that she will be misinterpreted by his brother she could have asked him the name of it so she can buy one and save herself from wanting to see him so she can get a whiff of it.

Arshad pulled up at the event center and they walk side-by-side to the entrance, he slipped the access card to her hand and they were allowed to enter. Maybe because of the type of card they have seeing as the table he took her is a special one looking from it's position or because they already know him considering the fact that the card admits just one.

The photographer stopped them on the isle and took a few shots before they headed to where she will be seated and he of course made sure she was comfortable before he breathed to her ear, "I'll be outside with the groom, keep your phone close in case i want to speak with you". She could only nod her head because she wanted him out of her breathing space as soon as possible. His minty breadth still lingering in her space or her head.

What has come over him? Why is he trying so hard to sell what people have already bought? Oh get off your high horses, he was only that close because you wouldn't hear him otherwise.

She did a few breathing exercises because she cannot afford to freak out, even without looking around she could tell eyes were on them so the only way to act neutral is to speed dial Zuby.


"Maleikha Tambari", and she turned to see the feminine bass voice that seeks her attention. Mrs Ali Mato was regally dressed in the bride's family Asoebi. She stepped closer to give her a side hug but she flinched and recoil. Maleikha was not aware of the bitter tang in Mrs Mato's mouth but she could tell that the woman who approached her first have a negative feeling towards her.

"I see your son is now engaged to his cousin", she snared and Aunt Maleikha could only smile as a reply to that.

"He could have saved us all the stress but i don't blame him for trying to boost his ego".

"It's human to look at the ripening of your neighbor's fruit before yours". Aunt Maleikha didn't see any need to apologize, they knew what they were getting into and they know he won't marry all. The only altercation is that he is not choosing any one of them.

She looks over Mrs Mato's  shoulder to Amnah that is making her way to her and smiles cheerfully, Mrs Mato huffed at that and walks by Aunt Maleikha's side.

Later that night Arshad drove Amnah and the couple to their quarters at the villa where the traditional sayen baki is to take place. Amnah who isn't part of the groom or bridal party took a stool to a corner and forced herself to watch a Netflix original movie. The guys teased her and Arshad a little and the girls who thought she was forming threw angry stares at her.

You can have him once we are done with whatever this is.

So that is it, after they rectify the situation in Tambari that is the end of the road for them.

The sayen baki process didn't take long as the after party is to take place at a banquet hall in the villa. That's where Arshad and Amnah drew the curtain for the day, they were back at the Tambari Mansion pass midnight.

"They are just dating, You know how this children are these days. They like to get ahead of themselves", she has said many times, she couldn't even count.

    "When is the wedding then? ", many asked and she reply with "when they are ready".

"Why do you think they are not, are you not scared of them gallivanting around without marriage?

  "We've set up necessary parameters for that and we will follow it up with prayers. We can't just rush them into what they are not ready for".

Some even went at length passing snide remarks "ku tsaya ruwan ido dai. Garin kallon ruwa ƙwado yayi ma mutum ƙafa".

    "Because your daughter is getting married into a prestigious home, you've started ignoring us". It made her wonder if she's also not married into the same prestigious home but she's still in contact with them.

    Ammi was tired of the stress this is making her pass through when it is not even real but that's just part of the smallest things she can do for her family.

Several years that her husband was not in good terms with his brother she has prayed fervently and followed up with advice even when her husband will reek that it is non of her business to the time when he ignored her and then with time he accepted that he feels bad about it too but there's nothing he can do about it.


It's weird, i know.

Amnah says to herself but there is no harm in calling her brother right? The first ring brought her back to her senses and she ended the call immediately.

What was she even thinking?

But before her subconscious mind could come up with a reason her phone started ringing. "Ya Allah, is him". She walks back and forth looking at the phone ringing on her bed.

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and answered the call. Surprisingly the conversation made itself.

"I met your university friend Billy and she's cool and bubbly".

Who wouldn't be friendly to you? Wait, which Billy? Not their department's snob right.

"Did she tell you she's my friend? She didn't  mention that to me. Where did you even meet".

"At Sagir's after party, she was my company all through the event".

"You went back to the party? Her throat was constricting, " I can't believe i thought better of you".

"What is that supposed to mean? He said after a short silence.

Just forget i said this. Forget i said anything.

"You will open your mouth and tell me what you meant by that this instant".

"You disrespected me", she doesn't care anymore that her voice is laced with tears. "What do you want people to think of me?"

"Would you have stayed? I bet not. Why should I loose myself to something that is not even real".

Dun dun dun..............
There's fire on the mountain

Assalamu alaikum guys.
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