Flashes As 12 years rolled

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Dhruv Fashion Studio bankrupt!!
Rikar fashion studio won the battle charging a whopping amount of 500 crore INR from the former fashion studio, followed by quashing of deal between Dhruv Fashion studio and Sabyasachi.

Anika said nothing. The past few days had been hell.
Gathering all she could do to pay and come out debt free, she was back to the form as she was before meeting Shivaay Singh Oberoi.
The media flashed her defeat to the nook and corner of the country.
"Ma..." The seventeen year old Dhruv held his mother's hand, who was walking without any physical, mental or emotional support.
He could feel the heat of the moment. His mumma would be arrested in a day or two.

"How can you do this Shivaay??" Omkar clutched his collar," This is not fair, why did you do this?? Why did you hype the losses we got?? "
He said nothing.
"What are you saying Om??" Rudra looked at him wondering.
"We acquired only 250 crores of loss because of DFS but Shivaay forged the documents hence acquiring 500 crores making Anika bankrupt."

"It was Bade Pa who did this," Rikar informed Dhruv, who was withdrawing his admission from St Andrews to join St Theresa where he had got a merit seat for pursuing his higher studies with scholarship.
"What?? Papa did it??" Dhruv could feel his blood boiling.
Rikar looked at him as if he was an alien.
"Don't you know??" He explained what he heard from Khanna few days back.

Anika sat on the dusty bed back at chawal. It was her home years before and so now.
Sahil sar beside her handing over the cup of coffee.
Sipping it slowly, Anika let her tears roll down.
She needed a support to cry her heart out and say all the betrayals she had faced till then.
That's when her eyes fell on her son, who rushed in to hug her.
"Ma..." He buried his head into her shoulder," You should not break down, the people who wronged you are outside celebrating their success,"

"What Shivaay did is right," Tej supported," Anyone who tries to destroy Oberois won't be spared is a lesson that echoes via this judgement."
"But she was the daughter in law of this family Tej,how can she end up in jail??" Dadi shrieked.
"Was Mumma," Tej stressed the tense.

The policewomen walked in with the handcuffs while pushing away the media huddled in front of the small chawl house.
Dhruv was helpless. Nothing was in his hand.
One of the official handcuffed Anika as she stood up extending her hands. A lone tear escaped the left eye of hers.
Dhruv hugged her tight wishing all this was a dream. But no it wasn't. A sharp tug by his collar made his frame move away from that of his mom and made him fall on the floor.
Anika panicked but was pulled away by the officials.
"Mumma..." Dhruv screamed from his lungs.

"Now it's high time for you to bring the eldest heir of Oberois back to home Shivaay," Tej reminded the now eldest Scion of the family regarding Dhruv.
Om sighed.
"How can someone be so heartless??" He spat his thoughts out, "His mom had been arrested and that poor chap will be broken inside and now you want him to face the reason of all this conspiracies Mr Oberoi??"

Dhruv sat with his legs crossed against his chest.
It was past midnight. His parched throat ached for water. It was so because of crying. He felt to be the weakest man of all time then. Flashes of his mom getting arrested, media exposure was making him lose his sanity.
That's when a knock was heard at the door.
Hurrying up to his legs, he walked towards the old door of the house. Opening the locks, he pushed the door open only to find the one he wished he never met. It was Shivaay.
"Why did you come here Mr Oberoi??" Dhruv asked his voice laced with coldness while his blue eyes spat fire of hate.
"It's Mr Trivedi for you," The rude tone came back as reply.
"Won't you listen...."
"I don't want to listen any of your fucking explanations,"
"Get lost,"
"Dhruv," He heard Shahil's rebuke, "He is elder than you,"
"Elder?? He??" A chuckle escaped," He is no elder Mamu, Ma had always said that we must decide ones age only by the deeds they perform and I hope no respected man will scheme in order to banish his own wife...sorry ex wife into jail."
"Mind your language!!" Shivaay lost his cool,"Do you know what happened in actual?? I did this..."
"FOR OUR WELL BEING!!" Dhruv mocked,"If you have something to say like this then just get the hell lost from here!! I am tired of your 'care', now if you don't mind...can I ask one thing?? How many Sundays had you spent with me Mr Oberoi?? Barely five...that too only at start...later on you never cared to check about me. Initially I was angry at Mumma knowing that it was she who was stubborn for divorce but later I understood that you never gave a damn about our survival and all you wished for is the goodness of your 'family' which we had never been a part of, never we had been...had been in your care list,"
Silence prevailed.
"I am happy that Mumma divorced you without a second thought, if she had continued living there, the toxicity of that bloody family of yours would have choked us to death."
"Don't you dare to speak against my family," Shivaay grabbed his son's collar," Don't you dare!!"
Dhruv pushed him away forcefully.
"Don't you dare to lay your hands on me Mr Oberoi, I am not your son but Anika's and I shall not give a second thought before returning you back the same!!"

Stay tuned for upcoming chapters to know what happened in actual.

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