Chapter 2

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Later that afternoon I went to meet Xander for dinner and he decided we were going to leave the palace to eat at a nearby restaurant called Clementine's, which was one of our mother's favorites. We had dined here before many times, the food is delicious; I'm particularly fond of the deserts. When we entered the restaurant we were greeted by the owner Clementine who made polite conversation as she showed us to our table in a private area. Xander ordered us a selection of new dishes from the menu to try and a bottle of wine which I welcomed.

"So what's been going on with you kid?" Xander asked leaning back in his chair. I grabbed my wine glass and decided less is best when it came to sharing the details of my life with Xander.

"Not much" I shrugged. "Palace life is pretty boring these days." I took a sip of my wine.

"Yetta tells me you've been sneaking out of the palace of a night." He raised an eyebrow. I knew Yetta was gossiping to my brother through those letters of hers."She worried about you." He added.

"Well I'm fine" I took another sip of my wine.

"It's not safe for you to leave the palace. If someone discovered who you are-."

"Did you bring me to dinner just to lecture me, brother?" I cut him off and placed my glass on the table.

"Of course not, I'm your older brother I'm allowed to worry about you" He smiled, ever the protective older brother.

"Well don't. Besides I can handle myself. You taught me well, remember?" I smiled back. Xander taught me how to use my fae power and how to handle a sword from the age of eleven against the wishes of my stepmother the queen, who would rather have me sit around looking pretty and being useless.

"That reminds me, we should train while I'm here," He said.

"Sure, it's been a while since I picked up a sword. I tried to convince Nuri to let me train her but she refused to wear anything but princess dresses and tiaras." I rolled my eyes and Xander scoffed.

The waiters set our food on the table and my mouth watered at the delicious smell of the various dishes laid out before us. We wasted no time digging into the food and Xander joked that I looked like I hadn't eaten all week. I hated eating at the palace, it's always so formal and if I wanted to eat outside of the palace I have to be escorted by guards and watched like a hawk. It's why I sneak out of a night to feel a sense of freedom without anyone watching over me. Even sat here now with Xander I know there are a few guards posted outside the restaurant.

"If you're tired of the palace why don't you ask Father if you can work for the crown?" Xander asked while spreading butter on a slice of tiger bread and stuffing it into his mouth.

"The King hasn't said a word to me in weeks," I stated. I can't even remember the last time I had a conversation with my father. Queen Meira always insists I have dinner with them but I'm never in the mood to deal with awkward family gatherings.

"I could talk to him," Xander suggested.

"And what would I be doing? Entertaining stuck-up high-born fae? I do enough of that at the palace."

"There are other jobs besides that...I think you would make an excellent emissary with that silver tongue of yours." He further suggested and I paused considering his words.

"The King would never agree." I brushed off that idea.

"Like I said, I could talk to him; if that's something you'd be interested in. Think about it." Xander leaned back in his chair with a hand on his stomach.

"Full already?" I smirked. "We haven't even had dessert," I said.

"Oh, there's always room for dessert," Xander said with a broad smile as he gestured to a waiter and ordered us two plates of warm chocolate cake with ice cream.

Xander and I made our way back to the palace which took a little longer than it should have because we were approached by fae of all ages who wanted to shake the hand of their future King. Fae children stared at him in awe, the same way I looked at him when I was a child. Xander was in his element, he loved the attention and being amongst the fae people. He will make a great King one day. We halted outside the palace gates looking up at the home we knew so well. The palace was beautiful of a day but of a night it was simply magical, with a blanket of twinkling stars stretching across the sky above. The grand building was supported by thick, tall, gleaming gold pillars engraved with intricate floral designs and looked as though it had been made out of light itself. The palace glowed illuminating the extravagant gardens accommodating thousands of colorful flowers and trees in the surrounding area. Tiny balls of fae light hovered around the grounds providing further light for those walking outside of a night.

"Looking forward to your birthday party tomorrow?" Xander smirked. I nudged him with my elbow and he chuckled.

"It's not funny! You know how much I hate palace parties" I held back my laugh.

"Come on, it won't be that bad. I'll be there." Xander put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close, rubbing the top of my head ruffling my hair. I swatted his hand away and wriggled out of his arm.

"If any high-born males approach me for a dance, I expect you to ward them off," I instructed him.

"I promise I will rescue you" Xander placed a hand over his heart and smiled sweetly tilting his head to one side.

"I can't wait to see what monstrosity the queen dresses you in tomorrow" Xander glanced sideways at me and I squinted my eyes at him as he laughed at my annoyed expression.

"Xander!" He dodged the playful punch I tried to throw at his arm and I couldn't help but laugh along with him, the sound of our laughter echoing through the gardens around us.

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