Chapter 3

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"What the that?" I glanced to my right at Yetta who was biting her bottom lip trying to hold in a laugh.

"There is no way I'm wearing that thing." I pointed at the mass of gold ruffled fabric that somewhat resembled a dress lying on my bed.

"It will look better once it's on." I huffed at Yetta's response as she carefully lifted the dress off the bed and held it out for me to step into. I hesitated, staring down at the hideous item of clothing I was about to wear to walk into a room full of people. It's okay, I told myself, I can do this. It's only for a couple of hours and then I'm going to sneak off to meet my friends. Then the real fun will begin.

I stepped into the gown and Yetta struggled to zip up the tiny zip hidden at the back.

"See, I told you," Yetta said as she spun me around to face a tall mirror on the wall behind me. I shuddered at the many layers of sparkling gold ruffles that made the puffed-out skirt and the frills around my neck that made my skin itch.

"It's hideous" I sighed dropping my hands at my sides in defeat.

"And where's your dress?" I asked.

She waved me off with a flick of her wrist and motioned for me to sit at the vanity so she could do my hair.

"It's my birthday and I want you there" I demanded and she just smiled and patted the chair, a silent instruction for me to sit. I sat and looked at her in the mirror as she gently began brushing my hair.

"I want you there with me," I said softly.

"Palace parties are not for me Aurora."

"They're not for me either but I still have to go." I slouched back in my chair.

"Please will you come? Just for a little while," I looked up at her through my lashes and placed my palms together.

Yetta sighed "You will be the death of me girl"

"You'll come?" I beamed sitting up with excitement.

"Just for a little while" She replied and I felt a sense of relief. At least I won't feel so alone at the party. I will have her and Xander.

"Oh, I almost forgot. You also have to wear this headpiece." Yetta revealed a large headpiece that was made of gold and embellished with gems of crimson and gold.

"Great." I rolled my eyes and slouched further into my chair.

I waited in my room for Yetta who was in her room getting ready for the party. I heard a knock on the door and stood to open it, my mouth dropped when I realized it wasn't Yetta outside my door but Callahan.

"Xander's not here" I tried to close the door but he used his foot to keep it open.

"I came to see you." Callahan waited for my response and if his foot wasn't in the way I would have slammed the door in his face. I backed away from the door and he entered the room closing the door behind him.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"I wanted to apologize. For the way I left things. For the things I said to you before I left". His words brought back the memory of that night, of him telling me I was a stupid mistake and me telling him I never wanted to see him again. He left me crying in my room and I willed him to return despite me screaming at him to leave but he never did.

"We both said things we shouldn't of. You were right anyway; we never should have crossed the line. If Xander ever found out he'd kill you, and then me." I replied.

Callahan's eyebrows pinched together and his lips pressed into a thin line as he looked away from me, as though the words that just left my mouth pained him.

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