Chapter 20

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A bone-chilling silence filled the air as we stopped in front of Xander. Xanders eyes, full of concern, immediately scanned me for signs of injury.

"Are you okay?" When Xander spoke, I wanted to fling my arms around him. The sound of his voice was comforting to me but the seriousness of this situation, of Xander, standing in his gold battle armour held me still in my place.

"She is unharmed," Azra spoke.

"I was asking my sister," Xander said through clenched teeth.

"Xander I'm okay" I reassured him and forced a smile.

"If I find out that you've laid a hand on her, I'll kill you myself." Xander spat and I noticed just how dishevelled he looked at that moment. Stubble had grown on his face and his hair was sitting just above his eyes. He had dark bags and lines I had never seen before.

"I can assure you when I laid my hands on her, it was because she wanted me to," Azra said calmly. Xander stepped to Azra but I quickly put myself between them and placed my hand on Xander's chest.

"Don't Xander. He's not worth it." My voice came out almost like a whisper.

"We have a deal. "Her for—"

"Yes. We have a deal." Xander interrupted and placed a protective arm around me before ushering me back across the border. I didn't dare look back at Azra no matter how much my heart screamed at me from behind the wall of steel I built around it.

"What's the deal?" Xander ignored me.

"Say nothing to our father about you and the dark prince. As far as he knows he kidnapped you from the sun festival."

"Xander, I need to tell you something about Azra," I replied.

"I know. He's your heart bond." My jaw snapped shut at his response. Did Azra tell him? Why did he tell him? When did he tell him? My father inclined his head slightly as I approached before turning to Xander.

"A deal is a deal. You know what to do." Xander planted a kiss on my forehead before turning and walking back towards Azra.

"Xander?" I called after him. What is he doing? Soldiers from the light realm began walking forwards following Xander across the border. What are they doing?

"Xander!" I stepped forward but two members of the royal guard gripped my arms holding me back next to my father and Jurius. Callahan followed Closely behind Xander and I braced for them to start fighting but they never did. Xander shook Azra's hand sealing whatever deal they made with magic.

"What is he doing?" I asked my father desperately.

"We agreed to send Xander and Azra on a mission with a small army of soldiers to the void to seek answers for the voiderz problem. If they find nothing King Daragan will work with the light realm to set up a blockade to prevent the voiderz from crossing our borders."

"But what if they find something?" I questioned. Xander hated the dark realms plan because he said going in there blindly is a stupid idea and I agree.

"They have no idea what they're up against."

"Then they have back up."

"That many soldiers is hardly back up—"

"Enough!" My father snapped and I turned my attention back to Xander. I wish I could talk to him, have a moment alone with him to talk this through.

"Let me go with them." I struggled in the grasp the guards had on me as I pleaded with me father to let me join them. My father said nothing and I watched helplessly as my brother and Azra disappeared with their small army. My father brought me back to the palace without a word. I stormed to my room where Yetta and to my surprise Nuri was waiting for me. I paced around my room, my racing thoughts blocking out the concerned voices of my sister and Yetta. A memory of Xander telling me why he didn't want to agree to the dark realms plan played over and over in my mind. Xander thought the risk of going to the void, to the home of the voiderz with no real knowledge of why and how the voiderz were attacking fae and crossing the border was too high, yet he agreed to go so that I could come home. My gut was telling me something is wrong. Something is seriously wrong. This is my fault. Xander and Callahan are out there facing who knows what because of me.

"Aurora—stop." "Aurora" Yetta gripped my upper arms, stilling me and shook me out of my head.

"I have to do something, Yetta. I can't let Xander do this. I have to do something-"

"There is nothing you can do now girl. Xander has already gone. He has light fae and dark fae soldiers with him." Yetta's words did nothing to soothe my growing worry.

"He's out there! Xander is out there risking his life because of me. I can't stay here and just do nothing." I broke free from Yetta and resumed pacing around the room.

"I'm going after them." I declared, swinging the wardrobe open to fish out appropriate fighting attire.

"Don't be stupid Aurora! You can't-" I ignored Nuri and quickly changed into suitable clothing. My only option was gold leathers that Xander gifted me for fighting practice. It would offer me some protection but would be useless in a real battle. I sheathed the amplifier sword Xander gifted me to my side and strapped two daggers to my calves and one at my other hip. I have my sword and I have my magic. I hoped that would be enough as I started for the door but stopped short when Yetta blocked my path.

"You are not thinking rationally. Your father will lose his head when he finds out you have gone after them. Please Aurora don't go." She pleaded. The worry in her eyes almost made me reconsider but my mind was set. I walked to my bedside table and pulled out the stardust necklace Azra gave me. If this thing really works I will be protected. I put it around my neck and tucked it out of sight.

"I'm going to get my brother." I looked briefly to Yetta and Nuri before I closed my eyes and used my magic to jump to the Mistlands, to the border of the void.

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