Chapter 23

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(As of today 2/10/2022 this ending could change. 🤔 )

No!" I screamed as I scrambled to my feet and hurried towards my father. Jarius ripped his sword from my father's back, his light blood splattered on the gleaming white marble floor. My father staggered forward, landing on his stomach. I unsheathed my amplifier sword and swiped at Jarius. My blade met nothing but air as he raised his hand, sending a wave of light power that knocked the air from me and the sword from my hand. I curled over to stifle the pain as my back collided with the solid ground. I whipped my head to Azra who charged towards Jarius with lethal grace. The dark power that radiated from him and the feral gleam in his eyes almost made me quiver in fear for there was nothing familiar behind those eyes.

But his dark magic was no match for the second wave of light power Jarius released. Jarius let out a devious laugh as Azra was thrown backwards as though him and his magic had no weight in this fight. My father crawled towards the dais and Jarius crept up behind him. As he reached the steps, my father flipped on his back, holding a hand to his gaping wound. No. I had never seen my father so vulnerable. He was the most powerful fae I knew. This can't be happening. More creatures started spilling into the throne room and Azra flung out a net of dark power, creating a dome of protection around us all.

"Why?!" My father asked, his wide eyes filled with betrayal.

"why?" Jarius chuckled and then his expression turned sour. He looked down at my father with such hatred. "Because of my Sorcha, that's why" he pressed his foot down on my father's chest, pinning him to the floor. "My Sorcha, my heartbond died because you refused to let a dark fae live with me in the safety of our realm. She had no power, she wasn't a threat."

"How?" The only word my father could say.

Jarius raised a hand, showing a glowing golden ring to my father. "I made a new ally. One who gave me the power to finally take you and your empire down." He twisted his hand looking down at the ring with such admiration. Where did he get that?....Who gave him that ring?

My eyes locked with Azra's the ring I willed to say down the bond. Azra seemed to understand, glancing at the glowing ring on Jarius's hand. Then a silent plan formed between us. We would fight to the end to stop him. Azra nodded once and then we were both on our feet again, charging towards Jarius.

Jarius raised a shield blocking the deadly shadows Azra summoned. The same shadows I had witnessed rip voiderz in half. Each one slammed into the shield, weakening it enough to annoy Jarius into lowering it just long enough that he could send a wave of light shooting towards Azra. Azra was pinned to the wall, a dark shield around him holding off Jarius's light magic that was preventing him from moving any further. He was trapped. He could only hold off the light for so long.

"Here's me thinking you're the most feared solider in the whole realm. But look at you." I laughed at him like the pathetic sad excuse that he was and he turned his attention towards me. "I don't even have any magic left in me and yet you can't even fight me without that special ring of yours", I nodded to the ever glowing ring. What great power had created such a deadly object?

I clicked my tongue "pathetic".

My words struck a nerve, something snapped behind those black eyes. He twisted and knelt down, grabbing a fistful of my father's hair to yank his head back. A final dagger to my weakened heart, Jarius sliced his sword across my father's neck. I tried to scream out but the lack of air in my lungs stopped me. Jarius let out a cruel laugh as he wiped his sword clean on my father's golden tunic. He sniffed the air like he was smelling his triumph before setting his sights on me. I scrambled for my sword, reaching it just in time to raise my blade and block the first attack. He pushed his weight down on me but I twisted, dodging the swipe of his blade. Then I lunged, my brain suddenly remembering all the quick manoeuvres Xander spent countless hours teaching me. Our swords clashed, once, twice, three times, sending waves of vibrations down my arm. He was stronger, but I was faster. Quick on my feet, I twisted around, blocking each swipe of his blade. I ducked low just in time to remove a hidden dagger from my boot. I jammed it into his wrist, he winced and let out a low growl dropping his sword. Without his weapon, he held out his hand, the ring glowing brightly. I covered my head, bracing for the impact of that power. The magic hit me like a punch to the stomach. I fell backwards. My ears were ringing, the world around me spinning in a blur. I touched a hand to my throbbing head and saw light blood when I looked down at my shaking hands. I reached out for something to support myself on but my legs buckled beneath me. The world around me grew dark.

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