Chapter 10

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"So which one?" Nuri asked holding up two pieces of cloth that looked to be the exact same shade of ivory. She was making the final preparations for the party tonight; she has been driving me up the wall with the million questions she's asked me about the finer details of the party.

"I don't know...that one." I pointed to the one on the left. Nuri's face twisted in disgust so I pointed to the other one.

"Good choice" She smiled and when she turned around I rolled my eyes at the back of her head.

"Now, which dress should I wear? This one..." She held out a pale yellow gown made from layers and layers of ruffles and I tried my best not to laugh at the monstrosity she was considering wearing.

"Or this one" She presented an equally hideous lilac gown.

"Umm," I looked at each of the dresses and tried to pick the least ugly one. I never understood the light realm's style of dress. I hated the extravagant outfits that many high-born fae opted for. I'd much prefer simple elegant dresses, like the ones I've seen my mother wear in photos. I guess everything changed when Queen Meira became Queen.

"That one" I pointed to the lilac dress.

"What are you wearing?" Nuri held the chosen dress against her as she looked in the mirror.

"Oh, I don't know yet" I answered.

"What?!" She spun around frowning at me. "The party is tonight and you don't have any dresses?"

"You have only just decided what you are wearing" I pointed out.

"But at least I have options" She waved a hand to the two gowns she presented.

"I have options." I lied. I didn't have a clue what I was going to wear. "In fact, I'm going to choose my dress right now" I rolled off Nuri's bed and made my way to the door.

"Oh and don't be late tonight" Nuri called as I closed the door behind me. She speaks to me as though I am the younger one of us two. I strolled down the hallway, the thought of tonight, of the party made me feel sick. Xander was counting on me to help him with his plan and after him finding out about me and Callahan I cannot fail.

"Prepared for the party tonight?" Those words pulled me out of my thoughts and back to reality. My father was standing in front of me, I wasn't paying attention, I didn't even see him walk down the hallway. I curtsied and smiled.

"Almost, I just need to find something to wear," I admitted.

"I'm surprised Nuri hasn't picked a gown for you" My father stood tall, I could feel his great power radiating off him; you wouldn't think he was over three thousand years old.

"Oh, she has tried. Her taste in dresses aren't really my style" I said and his lips twitched into a slight smile that didn't quite meet his eyes. Our conversations were usually short; I moved around him awkwardly and started to leave down the hallway.

"Come with me, Aurora" I turned surprised at my father's instruction. "There is something I want to show you"

I followed my father in silence to an area of the palace that most people including me are forbidden to enter. I remembered trying to explore the many rooms down that wing only to me reprimanded by Yetta. What could he possibly want to show me? He stopped before a door locked with magic that opened with a small wave of his hand. He held the door open for me and I stepped inside. Then he waved his hand again summoning balls of fae light to brighten the spacious room. The room was filled with an extensive collection of beautiful gowns, jewels, crowns, and paintings. I looked at my father confused by what he was showing me.

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