Chapter 7

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About an hour into the party, the two Kings, Queens, their two heirs, and the two General Commanders exited the ballroom to discuss how they were going to work together to handle the voiderz attacks. I couldn't stand being at this party a second longer, listening to stuck-up high-born fae talk about their trivial problems. I stole a bottle of wine and left the party unnoticed, leaving Nuri to entertain the guests. She thrives in that environment so I don't think I'll be hearing her complain about my swift departure. I popped the bottle open as I strolled down the hallway passing a few stone-faced guards and smiling maids along the way. Without realizing I had made my way out into the quiet gardens, taking in the beauty that was the palace of a night. The alcohol already coursing through my system had numbed my feelings and my senses; I couldn't feel the chill of the night air or the overwhelming sadness that usually consumed me during the day of the passing. I chugged wine straight from the bottle before lying down on a surprisingly comfortable golden bench that was hidden by high hedges and trees. I tilted my head to admire the array of beautiful flowers. My eyes lingered on a white rose bush that my father had planted in memory of my mother. I took another mouthful of wine and leaned my head back basking in the moonlight, gazing up at the star-filled sky above. When I was a child Xander would pick a star from the sky and tell me it was our mother and that that I could talk to her whenever I needed.

"I'm sorry... I wish you were here," I spoke to the stars "I miss you" My chest tightened and my vision blurred with tears. I took another sip of wine; the alcohol hadn't numbed me completely because I started to wonder what my life would be like if my mother was still here.

"Who are you talking to?" A low familiar voice asked. I sat up so fast my head spun and it took me a moment to focus my sight on the Dark Prince who stood before me.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be at that meeting." I stated.

"I was..." He took a few steps closer to me "dismissed" he said.

"Dismissed?" I scoffed "Could they not stand to be around you either?" I smiled before swigging a few mouthfuls of wine.

"I disagreed with some of their decisions" was all he said on the matter and I was too intoxicated to care to ask about the details of that meeting.

"Why are you out here alone drinking on a bench in the dark and not at the party?" He asked.

I shrugged "Not my thing"

"I thought you liked parties" he raised an eyebrow and his lips twitched into a slight smile. He was probably recalling my behavior from a year ago at his party.

"Not that kind" I waved a hand lazily towards the palace as I got to my feet and smoothed out any creases in my gown. Azra stepped closer, into a beam of moonlight that lit up his icy eyes and complimented his tanned complexion. He was dressed in all black like the last time I saw him except this time he looked like royalty. I turned away from him to head back to the palace before his words stopped me.

"What kind do you like?" He asked as he began to circle me, a predator stalking its prey.

"Fun ones" I replied and then I felt a hand slide around my waist. I flinched at his touch, every instinct in me told me to turn and kick his ass but I couldn't move.

"You want to know what I think." He whispered in my ear.

"Not really" I tried my best to sound unbothered by the hardness of his body against mine.

He ignored me "you like to break the rules, you go looking for danger..." his lips grazed my ear "I think you like the darkness" He ran his fingers slowly down my arm and held my hand softly, caressing the back of my hand with his thumb. I drew in a sharp breath and goosebumps formed on my skin at the tiny circles he traced on my hand. Feeling his breath on my neck, his lips so close to my skin, and seeing our hands entwined sent my pulse racing and I could hear my heartbeat pounding in my ears. Then he let out a low laugh and I suddenly felt foolish. I grunted as I pushed off him and spun around to see him smiling wickedly. I wanted to slap that look off his face but I was currently seeing two of him and I didn't want to make a further fool of myself by slapping the face that didn't exist. What the hell was I thinking? Why did I just let him affect me so much?

"I think I've had enough of you for one night" I turned and stormed off back towards the palace. I didn't need to look back to know he was still smirking.

"See you around, Aurora," he said amusement lacing each word.

"Don't count on it" I replied over my shoulder.

I practically ran away from him and back to my bedroom. I placed the half-empty wine bottle onto my nightstand and slipped out of my dress and into a white silk nightgown. I slumped on top of my bed processing today's revelations. The guy from that party a year ago, the one who flew me home is Azra, the Dark Prince, heir to the throne, future King of the Dark Realm. An image of him with that smirk flashed through my mind, I screamed into a pillow before throwing it across the room. I made a mental note to get Xander to train with me so that I can release some of this pent-up anger. I raised my hand to put out the ball of fae light hovering above my bedside table but I paused noticing a box wrapped in black and gold sitting beside a small envelope addressed to me. I sat up in my bed and reached for the envelope. It simply read

Happy Birthday


I stared at each letter dumbfounded. It was from Azra. How did he know it was my birthday? I hesitated; a gift from him can't be anything good. Then I whipped off the wrapping revealing a beautiful unique looking pendant and a small card which read 'stardust'. Why did he give this to me? I couldn't wait until the morning, I was too curious; I needed to know about the necklace. I hopped out of bed and down the hallway, if anyone can give me information about this necklace, it's Yetta. I banged on her door once, twice, three times until it swung open.

"There better be a good reason you are banging on my door, girl" Yetta backed away from the door allowing me in.

"Could you tell me what this is?" I asked holding the necklace in front of her face. She took it from me and inspected it. She seemed to recognize what it was but her face paled and her eyes widened.

"Where did you get this?" She asked. Her stern voice made me think it was some sort of cursed object. That asshole has given me a cursed object; I'm going to kill him.

"I got it from some high born fae at the party" I didn't lie "why, what is it?"

She narrowed her eyes "I would love to know what high born fae could get their hands on this" She handed the necklace back to me.

"Is it cursed?" I asked reluctantly taking the necklace from her.

"No, if that is what I think it is, it is for protection. It contains stardust. Fallen stars are very very rare. It is said that those who wear stardust will be protected from death" She replied.

"Protected from death?" I repeated.

"If you ever need it, it will save your life," Yetta said as as she walked around me to open the door and usher me out. I looked down at the necklace as I processed what Yetta said. Why would he give me this? He hates me.

"Are you going to tell me who gave it to you?" Yetta raised a quizzical eyebrow.

"I don't remember who it was" I lied shrugging a shoulder and avoiding direct eye contact.

"Hmmm" she replied, she most definitely knew I was lying. I went back to my room, turning the pendant and thin chain over in my hands, running a finger over its beautiful intricate detailing. I concluded that a gift from him must be cursed and so I placed it back in its box and shoved it at the back of my vanity draw.

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