Chapter 4

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We stepped through the curtain and into a dark spacious room illuminated only by beams of crimson, amethyst, and emerald fae light that moved around the room with great speed. There was a dance floor in the center of the room, a golden bar, and booths around the perimeter with deep red drapes for extra privacy. The room was filled with fae who were either drinking or grinding on each other, the masks concealing their identities gave them the freedom to behave how ever they liked, to be whoever they want. We wandered towards the golden bar passing fae on stilts breathing fire of snakes that slivered between the dancing fae bellow before turning into tendrils of smoke and vanishing. Half-naked females and males danced on raised platforms, their bodies moving in sync with the upbeat music that vibrated around the room. The room must be spelled to keep out the noise otherwise half of Faebourne could hear this party and then it wouldn't be much of a secret.

"We should come to Faebourne more often" Tanner shouted over the music as he leaned against the bar. Nash got us shots and a few bottles of wine and Clara grabbed my hand leading me towards the dance floor. The others followed and we spent the next few hours dancing, laughing, and drinking until the room became a blur. This is where I am happiest, having fun with my friends without a care in the world. We retreated to one of the booths, filling our glasses with more wine as Tanner pulled out a small bag containing pills and we each popped one in our mouths without asking what it was and washed it down with a sip of wine. I slumped back letting the euphoric feeling flow through me. I stood up perhaps a little too fast considering I was currently drunk and high on drugs and tripped, face planting the black marble floor. I wasn't sure if my vision momentarily went dark because I fell or because of my intoxicated state. Nash lifted me and what was left of my dignity off the floor and shielded me from prying eyes outside the booth.

"Aurora, your hand" I heard Clara say over the music. I looked down at my palm and then to the ground where I fell, to the broken pieces of glass. I immediately attempted to cover the cut on my hand, to stop the bleeding but the cut was deep. My blood is different from others; it's not red but white and bright like light, a sign of my high born status. I started to panic, I had nothing to cover my hand with, and without my magic, I cannot heal. If someone was to recognize me...I shook my head. Everyone here is too focused on having a good time but I still need to find something to stop the bleeding.

"It's okay, I'll be right back" I clutched my hand, left the booth, and pushed my way through the crowd. I remember seeing doors near the exit, maybe I can find something in one of the rooms to wrap around my hand until the eclipse is over and I can heel myself. I twisted the doorknob of the nearest door and hurried inside. The room looked like a study with two sofas, a dark fireplace, and walls filled with rows of books. A ball of fae light flickered in the corner but the room was empty. I searched the room for something, anything I could use to try and stop the light bleeding from my hand. I approached a desk on the left side of the room, opening each of the draws until I found a handkerchief. I held it tight to the wound as I plunked myself down in the chair behind the desk. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, to block out the spinning world.

"Interesting wound." I heard a low voice speak and I quickly snapped my head up looking around the room for the origin of that voice. I could see no one and I started to wonder if I had imagined that voice, those words, but then a tall dark figure stepped out of the shadows.

I stood up and moved around the desk, holding my injured hand behind my back. He slowly moved towards me and I watched his every move like a hawk. He halted a few steps in front of me with his hands still in the pockets of his black trousers. He was wearing a black shirt, the top few buttons were undone revealing his tanned chest beneath. A few strands of his thick almost black hair hung over his forehead, his black mask covered most of his face leaving his lips and his eyes visible. His eyes were the most piercing ice blue color I have ever seen, I'm certain if I had to, I could recognize him by those eyes alone. He was tall, almost a foot taller than me and I could sense his power, his dark power. I called for my magic but it didn't answer, I prayed that the eclipse would end soon.

"Enjoying the party?" He asked.

"Yes, I am." I brushed a strand of hair out of my face and shifted unintentionally on my feet. He noticed my injured hand, no; he was intrigued by my injured hand.

"Good." He smirked then removed his hands from his pockets and went to take another step towards me. I went on the defense and reached for the nearest object on the desk behind me which unfortunately was just a pen, and held it out in front of me like a weapon. He stilled halfway in his step and looked slightly shocked at my reaction before placing his foot back on the ground.

"A pen?" He let out a low laugh and I suddenly felt foolish for holding out a pen as though it were a knife, knowing the power he had could do instant damage while I'm in my current powerless state.

"I could do some damage with this pen" I re-pointed it at him.

"I'm not sure about that." He replied crossing his arms.

"Try me." I held his gaze and felt his intense power rumble around me as he laughed again.

"Who are you?" He asked, curiosity lacing his every word.

"I'm no one" I shrugged still pointing the pen at him.

"With blood like that, I highly doubt that." He smirked lifting his chin.

"Who are you?" I asked but he ignored my question and moved closer to me. I instinctively went to attack first but something stopped me. I tried to lift my legs and arms but something was pulling me back, rooting me to the ground. I looked down to see wisps of shadows holding me in place and my pulse began to race.

"If I was going to hurt you, I would have done it already." He snatched the pen out of my hand and reached beside me to place it back on the table. I held my breath when he came close to me, close enough that I could feel his breath on my bare skin and smell his scent, a mix of soap with a hint of citrus, a scent that reminded me of the way the air smells after it has rained. The shadows lifted from my arms but remained in place around my legs.

"Show me your hand." He demanded removing his hands from his pockets once again.

"No." I frowned at him. I reached again for my magic but there was nothing.

"Give me your hand." He insisted and held out a hand to me.

"Why?" I asked. This man has power and a lot of it, he could take me and jump us out of here in a second. I started to think of all the terrible things Xander and Yetta warned me would happen if I ever left the palace without any protection.

"Give me your hand and you will find out." He smirked. I didn't trust him, not for a second but I need to buy some time. Surely the eclipse would end soon and then I would show him my power and wipe that smirk off his face. I held out my injured hand, my eyes never left his as he took my hand in his and flipped it over palm up. He held onto my wrist with his other hand and then removed the handkerchief exposing the still bleeding cut across my palm. I tried to draw my hand away but he held on to it tightly, his eyes drifted from the blood seeping from my hand up to my eyes, the light lit up his sharp features and ice blue eyes. He gazed down at me as his thumb lightly stroked the back of my wrist. The tiny circles he traced along my wrist made my pulse race and my heart flutter. I stomped out the unwanted butterflies in my stomach and shook away any intrusive thoughts. He is a stranger, a dark fae probably one that despises my family and would take great pleasure in hurting me to get to my father or my brother if he discovers who I am. He lightly moved a hand over my palm and to my surprise, with a wave of his hand, the cut was fully healed. He had healed me. I stared at my hand in confusion before withdrawing my hand from his.

"Why?" I asked raising one of my eyebrows.

"Can't have you bleeding all over the floor of my party now can I?" He answered. This is his party? I opened my mouth to respond but my head turned at the sound of the door opening.

"There you are." I heard Clara say and I when I turned my head back the mysterious stranger was gone.

"Are you okay?" She asked, now standing in front of me where he was standing just seconds ago. I looked around the room and wondered if I had just hallucinated him but my hand was fully healed, so it must of happened.

"I'm fine. Let's go." I replied and we both turned to head back to join the others.

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