Chapter six//Obsessive

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THE HOUSE WAS CLEARLY LEFT EMPTY AND UNOWNED. The paint had began chipping on the wooden boards of the porch and cobwebs had formed across the windows and front door. This looked like a murder house if I'd ever seen one.

I got out the black SUV I had taken with Morgan, Hotch and Prentiss, following the rest of the team to the gate out front of the house.

We stopped there, looking up at the house. The team began pulling their fbi vests over their heads and made sure their guns were loaded.

"Okay, Morgan and Reid, you guys go in through the back. Prentiss and Rossi will go in the front with me" Hotch instructed and Morgan and Doctor Reid were on their way round to the back of the house, both doing a similar quick jog with their guns ready.

"Dr. Davis, I want you stay here for now. Once we've cleared the house or Daniel is in there, we'll call you in." Hotch turned to me and he then handed me a bullet proof vest like his, "put this on. If Daniel is in there, there's no knowing what he'll do."

I nodded, too nervous to say much more. Hotch seemed to alway hold a stern look, seeming like a very serious man but I supposed you'd have to be for a job like this.

Hotch lead Rossi and Prentiss towards the front door with a couple other town cops going with Reid and Morgan whilst some also went with the other three.

I got a call from Claire and answered, immediately being welcomed by her panicked voice. "Lillia?! Lillia!"

"I'm here, Claire." I tiredly returned.

"Did you hear? Another woman was taken?"

I furrowed my brows, my eyes going wide. "What? They've announced that to the public already?" I asked her.

"Yeah. It was first reported about on some local news and then spread wider and further to bigger reporters." Claire answered. She then stammered as she began to speak again. "Hey, uh, wh-where are you? I can hear sirens and a lot of voices."

"Nowhere. Uh, I'm sorry, Claire. I have to go." And with that, I ended the call and placed my phone into my bag that was sat in the back seats of the SUV.

With everyone worrying about another woman being taken, who knows what will spike. People do crazy things when they're afraid.

"Davis! The house is clear!" Rossi stood by the front door, only his head popping out and I soon walked over to him.

I stopped on the porch before entering and Rossi waited. "Did you know that the fourth woman is all over the media?" I asked him but he looked completely clueless.

"No. As far as I'm aware, we were keeping that on the low. I'll talk to Hotch." And the two of us entered the house.

There,in what would have been the living room, stood the entire team now with a couple extra cops. Hotch was facing everyone and, for a brief moment, their eyes all moved to me.

The would-be living room was made up of dusty chairs that looked as though they'd been chewed away at by some massive rat. The floorboards were lifting and the fireplace was guarded with webs. It was made apparent by the various graffiti designs around that this place was popular for people to hang out in, along with the needles and plastic bags left around.

"Dr. Davis, you and Reid will look upstairs. You're mainly looking for anything that may have been left here from when Daniel's sister lived here, or anything that makes it seem like someone has been here recently." Hotch ordered and Reid and I nodded.

Hotch then continued, turning to the others and giving them orders on where to go and with whom.

Reid and I were soon upstairs and we started in the bedroom. The bed was still there but with no duvet or pillows. There was also a chest of drawers and a bedside table. The place was surprisingly decorated still.

Some picture frames were presented on top of the drawers and some figurines and other valuables were placed on the few shelves that remained. Everything was coated in a layer of dust and webs, undeniably accompanied by bugs.

"Why do you think so much was left here?" I asked out of the blue, not entirely expecting a reply from the seemingly quiet Doctor. I looked across the shelves, briefly looking over everything that stood there before going back and looking properly.

Reid shrugged as I looked over my shoulder. He continued to look through the drawers. "I suppose there was never anyone to claim it. No family to keep it as memorabilia." He answered simply.

I picked up a photo that was placed lonely on one shelf beside a snow globe. The picture was of Daniel and his sister but they were a few years younger, maybe around 19,20.

For brief moments during our search I would feel eyes looking at the back of my head. Obviously, it was only Spencer Reid- the skinny, somewhat shaggy Doctor, but the whole house made me feel paranoid.

"You know, Daniel never understood why his sister never came to visit." I started, not directly speaking to anyone more saying what I was thinking out loud. "I'm not sure he still fully understands."

I turned around, heading to open the closet but Reid's head popping up stopped me. He turned around and looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. "What did his sister look like?" He asked and I went back for the photo and passed it to him.

His eyes reasonably widened and he was soon dashing out the room and back downstairs with me quickly following. "What? What is it?" I called after him but was left with no answers until we regrouped with the other downstairs.

"I know why he targets the women he does." Reid spoke quickly and without a breath. The rest of the team egged for him to continue. He passed the photo around them. "The women, they look similar to his sister. His sister who died."

Hotch stared intently at the younger man, clearly listening as were the rest of the team and myself. "We need to call Garcia. Get her to find out anything she can about Daniel's relationship with his sister." He said and Morgan was quick to leave the room and call the blonde computer tech.

My eyes hovered around the room, thinking crazily. I thought of every possibility, every answer but nothing fit right. Why take women who look like his sister? There was no evidence that Daniel felt empathy, nor love. Obsession, maybe. But he'd never mentioned his sister before so obsession was highly unlikely. Though not impossible.

"What if Daniel was obsessed with her?"I spoke, catching everyone's attention again.

"What?" Prentiss queried, waiting for me to elaborate.

"Daniel feels no empathy. He feels almost nothing over death, and that applies to the death of his mother." I explained further and then Doctor Reid spoke.

"Psychopaths can feel grief when someone with a close bond dies though." He said, with screwed brows.

"Some. Not all." I replied. "Daniel has extremely limited emotions. And, he hasn't show any signs that he feels love or any kind of remorse or grief."

"Has he shown a tendency to be obsessive?" Prentiss then asked with a tilted head.

I shook my head. "No. But, it's not completely an impossibility. He's smart. There's a lot Daniel has managed to keep hidden from his Doctors."

Hotch nodded firmly. "Thank you, Dr. We'll keep that in mind. Let's get back to the station."


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