Chapter nine//Elevator Ride

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AFTER MEETING WITH HOTCH AT THE STATION, HE DROVE ME TO MY ACTUAL HOME. The police were still there and crime scene tape was practically everywhere. Drawn with chalk was the size of the blood puddle outside my door and there were wooden poles in the bath where Jasper had been that marked his body.

"Davis, this shouldn't take long. The police are just going to ask you to see if anything has been taken or if anything that isn't yours has appeared." Hotch said as we joined the officer that stood in the kitchen.

Hotch shook the officer's hand and introduced us to which the officer then shook my hand. "Thank you for coming Doctor. We won't keep you for long but could you go around the apartment with us and just make sure nothing is out of place?"

"Of course." I nodded and we were on our way around the apartment.

We started where we were, in the kitchen, and I was told to look through the cupboards and drawers. No knifes were missing, no forks or spoons. Everything was in place and nothing had been added.

Of course, though, I was made to wear gloves. White,latex gloves. This felt strange as the only time I would wear gloves was when I was cleaning and then they would be large, yellow gloves with pink polka dot rims.

After the kitchen was the living room. Again, everything was in place but they made sure I went through everything with precise detail.

As we went to move onto the bedroom, Hotch was called over when Doctor Reid entered the crime scene.

Crime scene. My home was a crime scene now. That felt weird and I had never wished so desperately to be back to my normal life. Wake up, feed Jasper and then go and study extremely mentally ill people.

Hotch returned back to me. "Davis, I have to go back to the station to talk to Sarah Anderson but Reid will stay here and drop you home." He said before leaving with a couple other police officers.


It wasn't long until we had finished up at the crime scene and Doctor Reid and I were on our way out of the building. We stood together in the lift, the only people in there being us.

Reid carried a brown, leather satchel and wore a dark purple shirt with a black neck tie. His trousers were suit like and everything about him looked professional- from his constant thinking face to the way his shirt was tucked into the waistband of his trousers but that professionalism kind of stopped once you reached his shoes.

The Doctor wore a pair of black converse with white laces and his socks, that slightly showed under the ankles of his trousers, were miss-matched. One being blue and the other pink but the shoes and socks brought a sort of casual aspect to the job that I felt was important.

He also had a gun in a leather holster that sat on his hips with the belt that wrapped around the waist of his trousers.

"I-I'm sorry." Reid spoke after a short silence between the two of us as the lift began it's way down.

I furrowed my brows as i turned my head to look up at him, him being quite a bit taller than me. "What for?" I asked with my hands linked in front of my body.

"Well, the bond between a human and dog, there's not much else like it." He started and slowly trailed off, "although, there aren't many dog's that I have met that have particularly liked me."

Reid's eyes wandered the floor of the small elevator as his mind ran elsewhere as he thought about dogs. A small smile crept onto my lips as the man quietly rambled about the animals for a little while longer before I cut in.

"Jasper would have liked you." I simply stated, facing forward again at the metal doors. Reid looked over his shoulder at me, having been standing a little further forward than me, a shadow of a smile on his face.

Just as the Doctor went to speak again, the doors opened on the seventh floor and a man walked in. Said man wore a dark blue hoodie which he stuffed his hands into the pockets of. The hood was over his head which was kept down and he never made eye contact with either of us.

His black boots trailed in mud that had continued on from the hallway outside the lift and his trousers (much like his hoodie) were teared in some parts and also smudged with dirt.

The man stood to the other side of me and, once the doors had closed again, he turned his head as though to face me but kept his identity hidden.

I suddenly felt uncomfortable and had a horrible gut feeling. I couldn't help but stare at the man.

Reluctantly, though, I pulled my eyes away from him and faced the front again, Reid and I not daring to say another word.

With a glance in our direction, Reid took two steps to the side and was now positioned in front of me and beside the man. He then reached his free hand behind himself and took my wrist before moving me to his other side.

The genius switched his bag to his other hand and placed his new free hand back to my wrist. Reid didn't hold it tightly and I could easily release myself from him but I didn't want to.

With everything going on, my fear of men was higher than ever but my comfort with Reid suddenly increased. This was strange for I barely knew the man, perhaps it was just simply something about him.

After a very long five or so minutes, the doors opened again, this time on the ground floor. Reid wasted no time leaving the lift, now moving his hand to hold mine rather than my wrist. He left the lift with a very normal pace though but I could tell he was in a hurry.

The man followed us out slowly, keeping a fair distance between us. I turned my head to take one look at the man as we left the building and that's when he looked up.

The man kept his hood on but made direct eye contact with me. I halted to a stop, looking back at Reid momentarily as I took my hand from his.

"It was Daniel." I told him.

But when we looked back, he was gone and we'd lost him in the busy crowd.


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