Chapter ten//Twinning

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SPENCER REID AND I WAITED OUTSIDE THE APARTMENT BUILDING FOR MORGAN TO PICK US UP.  The Doctor had called the slightly older man about half hour before we left my apartment (that was now a crime scene) and gave a place and time to pick us up.

"I think we should go back to the station before yours," Reid said as he held his brown satchel in front of his body with two hands. "Tell the team about seeing Daniel and then I'll take you home."

I nodded, "that sounds like a good a idea."

I think Reid continued to speak but I zoned out. My eyes were darting around the street, looking for Daniel again despite the fact that I highly doubted he would stick around long. I was, however, curious as to why he was here. He was playing a dangerous game.

"Daniel won't have stuck around." Reid said, turning his head to look at me, which pulled me back to the conversation.

"I know. Im just-" I shook my head and briefly shut my eyes. I sighed rather heavily. "I don't know."

A silence fell between the two of us, but Reid looked deep in thought. I wasn't thinking of much other than what Daniel may do next. He was unpredictable and that terrified me.

"Do you want to hear a joke?"

I looked up at the taller man with my deep brown eyes. "Sure."

"Okay." He started, already beginning to laugh at his own joke that he hadn't even said yet. "Ha-have you heard about the sick chemist?"

I furrowed my brows with a faint smile growing as I shook my head and said "no."

"If you.." he laughed again, "if you can't helium, and you can't curium, you probably have to barium." He continued to laugh quietly at his own joke, his eyes now meeting mine.

My smile began to grow and I pulled my eyes away from his, reluctantly. He had nice eyes, they were sweet and gentle, a pretty brown colour that I hadn't payed any attention to until now.

"Sorry." Reid muttered quietly when I didn't laugh, but, with my face away from him, I did so quietly to myself.

My head then turned again, facing the other doctor who had obviously heard my hushed laughter as he looked back at me with wide eyes.

As I continued to smile and my laughter came to a gradual stop, his eyes hurriedly went from mine, to the floor, to his hands that held his bag. His eyes were skittish but the small smile on his lips showed he was proud of his little joke and somewhat comfortable at this moment.

Just then, making Reid's and my own eyes divert from one another and our smiles drop for a moment, a black SUV pulled up and the window rolled down. Morgan rested his arm on the door with his elbow sticking out and he pulled his sun glasses down his nose to look at us.

He squinted his eyes at Reid and, slowly, a smirk appeared on his lips. He looked into the car as that smirk grew into a smile that showed his pearly whites and Reid folded his lips inward as he looked down at the floor.

I looked between the two men, noticing the slight blush on the Doctor's cheeks that mirrored the blush that I could feel on mine, whether it showed or not.

Morgan nodded his head for us to get in the car, still not budging his smile. I opened the back door first and sat in, buckling the seatbelt.

"Come on, pretty boy." Morgan teased


Back at the station, Reid had told Hotch and the others that I had seen Daniel and the team was straight onto asking me questions.

"Where did you see him?"

"What did he do when you saw each other?"

"What was he wearing?"

I answered all of them, my leg bouncing under the desk I sat at the entire time. JJ sat beside me with Prentiss stood behind her and Morgan sat on the edge of the desk and Reid and Rossi stood by Hotch who held his arms crossed over his chest.

"I only saw his face once we were out of the building."

"Nothing. He just looked at me briefly before quickly leaving."

"A hoodie and some dirty trousers and boots."

Morgan looked between Reid and I, also crossing his arms. I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my thighs and my hands linked together.

"So, you said he was in the elevator with you guys." Morgan started, "did he say or do anything?"

"No. That's what I found odd." Reid began to explain, "if Daniel was purposely trying to be near Davis, it would be to reach out for help."

"Why would he reach out for help?" JJ asked as she looked up at the shaggy haired brunette man.

"Leaving the woman at Davis' apartment, it's Daniel's way of crying for help. You help her, you help me." Rossi continued to explain, Reid nodding along in agreement.

"Yeah, so, the most obvious reason for Daniel being in the elevator with us would have been Davis. To either talk to her or..." Reid began to trail off as he spoke whilst his eyes focused on the case board behind me.

I became curious and slightly worried and I stopped bouncing my leg. "Or what?" I asked rather demandingly.

Reid looked to me from the board, his eyes staring into mine. His eyes were enlarged and round and filled with concern. Whatever he was about to say wasn't going to be good and he looked sorry already.

"Or to take you." He said before rushing towards the board that was covered in writing and pictures.

We all followed him, those of us that were sitting now stood as we gathered around. Reid took the photos of the four women from the board and piled them in his hands, moving to stand near a clear table.

"All four women..." Reid placed one photo down at a time in a line, "brunettes with brown eyes, white and within in the same 20-30 age range." He placed down the last photo of the most recent victim that was currently in hospital after being found outside my home.

I moved closer to the table and realisation washed over me. My fingers moved the photos gently and I compared all four of them. The women could have been related they looked that similar.

I pulled my phone from my bag and turned on the front camera. I then held it in front of me and took a photo before placing it beside the pictures that were laid out in front of us.

"The women all look like me."


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