Chapter seven//Sarah

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BACK AT THE POLICE STATION, THE PHOTO I HAD HANDED REID WAS STUCK UP ON THE BOARD. It was directly below Daniel's photo and beside it was written her name and when she died. Charlotte Butcher.

I stood leaning against the table with my arms crossed over my chest as the team stared thoughtfully at the board. They looked conflicted, they looked confused.

"How far do you think Daniel would travel?" Prentiss asked no one in particular.

Hotch shrugged but I answered her in full confidence. "Daniel barely knows the place. He moved here and was almost immediately signed into the hospital. He won't go far." I told them, not letting my eyes leave the photos of the four women despite all the eyes that now rested on me.

Just then, Agent JJ walked in and closed the door behind her. "Uh, Hotch. Garcia's on the line." She said and Hotch pressed the button on the phone.

"What have you found, Garcia?" He asked in his ever so deep and threatening voice with his arms crossed and thick, dark eyebrows furrowed.

"Uh, well, once their mother died, Daniel and his sister, Charlotte, were moved around several different foster homes together." The blonde on the line began, "Their records said that they would refuse to leave each other and were to be kept in the same house and room."

"However, apparently there was often, uh," Garcia stammered, "complaints to the foster carers about Daniel and his sister."

I narrowed my eyes and my eyebrows screwed. "How do you mean?" I asked her.

"The other kids would talk about how Daniel would try inappropriate things with his sister. Nothing sexual but apparently he was very touchy. Always moving her hair out of her face, rubbing her thigh or whispering very closely in her ear." Garcia explained and I saw the concern grow on everyone's face.

"The foster carers brushed it off as nothing but it made the other kids extremely uncomfortable to the point where they couldn't ignore it anymore. This caused Daniel and Charlotte to be removed from a lot of foster homes." Garcia'a voice softened towards the end and slowed down significantly, signalling she was finished.

JJ was first to speak, pushing some of her blonde fringe behind her ears. "Does any of that seem obsessive?" She asked, looking around the room at each of us.

"It doesn't just stop there." Garcia broke the silence. "Daniel was known to get very jealous and worked up if Charlotte spent more time with another kid than him. He would sometimes lash out. And, if he didn't share a bed with Charlotte, he would freak out. He'd totally lose it and throw things around in an attempt to "find her.""

"He's possessive." I quietly said to myself before repeating it louder. "He's not obsessive, he's possessive."

"Reid, try and draw up a map scale of how far Daniel might go. Dr, could you please help him, you know Daniel best." Hotch instructed and I nodded back.

The others left the room with Hotch's final instructions and I was left with Dr. Reid and a massive map that was blue-tacked to a clear board.

I pushed myself away from the table, moving to stand beside the male doctor who was holding a pen in front of the map. "Daniel won't go far. He'll just find good hiding spots." I started.

I pointed at one point on the map that was located just outside the city, tapping it a couple times. My finger then traced a circle from that point and all the way back round to it. As I moved my finger, my arm stretched further across the board and in front of Reid's chest.

As he breathed, the fabric of his shirt lightly brushed my arm that was now only covered with the material of my shirt as my jacket was discarded on the chair that sat at the table.

"That's your radius. But, even that might be too big." I told him, "your teams best chance is to go from the middle and slowly work your way out, don't focus too much on the outer-portion of the city."

Reid nodded slowly, almost in some sort of deep thought. "It's weird."

"What is?"

"I'm used to being the smart one." He spoke quietly and came of rather shy, but that wasn't new.

He'd been that way since yesterday when I met him. As Reid spoke, his eyes would look at me and then would quickly dash away, going back and forth like that for a short moment before he settled back on the map, drawing ,with the blue pen, the radius I had pointed out.


As I wandered down the corridor that lead to my apartment, I could hear whimpers and groans not far from me. I listened carefully with furrowed brows, trying to figure out if it was someone that was hurt or if it was just sex.

As my front door came into view, I could see that it was someone who was hurt.

There, sitting against my door and holding a hand to their bleeding stomach, sat a brunette woman. Her face was in clear agony as it screwed up each time she would push her hand heavier onto her wounded flesh. I recognised her almost immediately as one of the women that had been taken. Maybe I had spent too much time staring at those photos.

I rushed over, bending to my knees and dropping my bag beside me. "Hey, hey. It's okay, I'm gonna call for help okay." I tried to reassure her as I fumbled with my phone to ring 911.

Whilst the phone rang against my ear, vibrating, I helped the woman keep pressure on her wound. The phone was answered and I spoke so quickly, that my words sort of fumbled together as one, as I gave them the address and a brief description of what had happened. The ambulance was meant to be here in about twenty minutes.

I didn't bother much with my phone as I just let it fall out of my hand and hit the hard wood floor. My jacket was soon being pulled from my body by myself as I bunched it up and pressed it firmly to the woman's stomach.

"Can you tell me your name?" I asked her and she began to stutter on her words.

"S-sa-Sarah." She replied with blood spewing from her mouth.

"Okay. I'm Lillia. You're going to be fine, Sarah. I promise."


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