Chapter 45

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"Well..." Harry started.

They were standing in the doorway still, nervously fidgeting their hands behind their back. Their nervous demeanour raised some suspicion in Sirius and Remus, usually Harry didn't act like this, even when telling them something that they think is really bad, usually it's not.

"Well...?" Remus prompted when Harry didn't seem to be going anywhere with their confession.

"Um, so you remember how I'm bi right?" Harry asked, not knowing how to start the conversation without springing it onto their godfathers.

"Of course," Sirius shrugged absentmindedly. Harry's preference in partners wasn't new news.

"Well I wanted to tell you guys first because you're like my parents and mean so much to me and so um... I have a boyfriend?" Harry rambled before finishing off the sentence, accidentally making it sound like a question.

Sirius and Remus just stared at him for a second, first of all being touched by the fact that Harry admitted they're like their parents, but also surprised that Harry has a boyfriend. Not that they didn't think they could get one, just that Harry was usually pretty open with them about things and they hadn't heard anything about a boyfriend.

"I'm so happy for you, Harry! When can we meet him?" Sirius suddenly beamed, running up to his godchild and wrapping his arms around them in a hug. Remus follows close behind.

"You can meet him now if you want," Harry suggested quietly.

Sirius and Remus both nodded eagerly, Sirius a little more enthusiastic and hyper, but both equally happy. Harry let out a little chuckle at their reactions while gently pushing them further back into the kitchen, making space so that Draco could walk into the room.

Harry told them to stay where they were and ran back into the hallway to get Draco. The two of them held hands for a few seconds, Draco could almost feel the adrenaline coursing through Harry's veins as they stood there together. Harry then went up on their tip-toes to plant a soft kiss to Draco's cheek before leading him into the kitchen.

Sirius literally squealed when he saw the blonde walk into the kitchen, Remus just smiled kindly, not overreacting like his husband.

"Hi, um, nice to meet you... again." Draco smiled and said a little awkwardly.

"Hi, Draco, we've heard so much about you from Harry," Remus smiled warmly at him, not seeming intimidating at all, he was trying to be as welcoming as possible, not wanting to be the reason why another person in Harry's life leaves.

"Likewise, Mr. Lupin," Draco nodded slightly, not really knowing how to address Remus.

"Just call me Remus," The older male said, patting Draco on his shoulder gently.

"How long have you two been together?" Sirius asked, it seemed as though up until now, the man was frozen in joy and shock. He always thought Draco and Harry would be a good match, ever since he met the blonde.

"Almost three months," Harry piped up nervously, knowing what was coming next.

"Harry James Potter! You have been dating this fine young boy for almost three months and never told us?" Sirius acted hurt but really it was all just for show.

"Actually, he's older than me, and I'm sorry. I was too nervous to tell you two. We didn't want everyone to know yet." Harry mumbled, a little embarrassed and a little shy.

Remus walked over to Harry and wrapped an arm around their shoulder, giving it an affectionate rub, silently telling him it's fine and there's nothing to be sorry for. After seeing this display, Sirius walked over and joined the hug, leaving Draco awkwardly standing there, but he still enjoyed watching his partner being surrounded by loved ones and being happy.

"So, how is he? Is he a good boyfriend?" Sirius asked Draco, referring to Harry, wiggling his eyebrows.

Draco looked down at Harry for a second, earning a subtle almost invisible head shake from his partner. He got the hint and just ignored the use of pronouns that Sirius had used. Obviously Harry hasn't come out to them about that yet, and Draco wasn't about to out them or force them to do anything they wasn't ready to do.

"Eh, he's ok," Draco jokes, earning a smile from both Remus and Sirius.

"You picked a good one, Cub," Sirius approved.

Almost an hour later, Draco and Harry were back upstairs, laying on Harry's bed. The room was silent as they just enjoyed each other's company, revelling in the fact that they had finally told Sirius and Remus about their relationship. Harry was wearing some navy blue sweatpants that bunched at their ankles and tied tight around their waist, paired with the hoodie that Draco had been wearing that day. They were feeling extremely cozy, especially since they were snuggled up against their boyfriend. Draco on the other hand was wearing his black skinny jeans that he had been wearing all day and a plain white t-shirt that was previously covered by the hoodie that Harry was currently wearing. He didn't exactly know he was going to Harry's house earlier today, so he didn't have any clothes to change into, and all of Harry's clothes are too small for him.

"Haz?" Draco muttered into the silent room.

"Mm?" Harry hummed, tracing a finger over Draco's stomach, feeling the slight grooves of where his muscles were.

"Sorry I don't have any parental figures to introduce you to. My parents just wouldn't understand." Draco sighed, sounding apologetic.

"Dray, it's fine. If I'm being honest, I'm actually quite glad about that. Not to be rude. It's just that I'd probably mess up somehow and make them hate me." Harry giggled softly as they sat up to look Draco in the eyes, faces mere centimeters apart.

"I hate to say this, but they'd probably hate you regardless. It's nothing personal. Just the fact that you aren't a wealthy female due to inherit her family business one day." Draco rolled his eyes as he described the type of person his parents wish to set him up with but obviously couldn't because he's gay.

Harry let out a gentle laugh at the fact that they weren't any of those things. Draco smiled at the sound of Harry's laugh and the way their face looked while laughing. He loved it. He loved everything about Harry, even if he wasn't yet ready to say it out loud, he still knew it.

Instead, he lifted his head off Harry's pillow and puckered his lips out a little. Harry got the hint and leaned down from where they were lying on Draco's chest, connecting their lips in a soft and playful kiss. They didn't pull away until Sirius' voice from downstairs interrupted them.

"Dinner!" He shouted.

Harry sighed and rolled their eyes but smiled anyway, climbing off of Draco and standing up, Draco following their actions. Before they left Harry's bedroom, Draco wrapped an arm around his partner's waist, gently pulling them into a soft kiss one last time before the two of them went downstairs for dinner with Remus and Sirius.


I hope you like this fluffy chapter :) You guys attacked me for leaving you on a cliffhanger last chapter and I felt bad so I wrote this in like an hour so that I could post it today. I hope it was a good way of coming out and made you smile!

Love you, have a lovely morning/night/afternoon/evening <3

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