Chapter 62

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Group chat The Real Housewives Of Gay



Hello all


What is this? An election speech??




Oh I forgot this chat existed for a sec








Who wants to go out tonight?


There's a nice beach bar like half an hour away and you can book private parties where they serve you loads of drinks and you can try a bit of each or just order whatever you want


Drinks as in alchoholic?


Of course, who do you think I am


We're up for it :))


Sounds fun!


It's not too expensive either which is surprising but good


Sure, I'll come but I'll drive


Me too, I'm coming >:)


Yay, ok I think only Harry left to confirm


No pressure of course if you don't want to come Harry


I'm sure one of us can stay back at the house with you if you don't want to come. I will

Chat with @Draco_Malfoyyy







Can you make sure I don't get drunk again? Just in case..


I don't want to make it a big deal in front of the others, they already think I'm innocent enough


But I don't really want to get drunk again like I did at your party... I felt really sick the next day


Sorry if I'm being annoying by asking this


Don't worry Harry I'll keep an eye on you, I promise


I'm sorry you didn't have a great first drinking experience at my party but I'll make sure this time you're ok, and don't worry, you're not being annoying by asking, it is only your second time drinking after all and your first experience wasn't exactly what you intended to happen


And I won't tell anyone that I'm keeping an eye on you, I'll be subtle, so don't worry about being teased and stuff


Thank you :)





Group chat The Real Housewives Of Gay



Thanks Mione but I think I'll come so no one has to stay behind :))


Yay! Ok I'll call and make a reservation


Alright, thanks


What time are we going out??


Reservation for 9:30pm


Ok we'll get ready now


Thanks Pans


I know, no need to thank me, I already know I'm the smartest, sexiest person here ;)


Something's telling me you've already had a few drinks...


Something big coming up in the chapter after the next one :)) but you'll have to wait for it. Mwahahhaha I'm so evil >:)

Love you, have a nice day/morning/evening/night <3

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