Chapter 82

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Guys this chapter takes place about three weeks after they get back from holiday and is super cheesy on purpose ok so read at your own risk. Warning you will probably cringe ;P



@ThatBitchPansy girlfriends cat girlfriends (yes I took my allergy meds)

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@ThatBitchPansy girlfriends cat girlfriends (yes I took my allergy meds)

Liked by @Luna_Ginny, @Roonil.Weeslee, @Draco_Malfoyyy and 19.12k others

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Chat with @Draco_Malfoyyy



Hi Dray


Hi Haz


What are you up to?


Not much, just texting a really cool guy


You're soooo smooth


Well it worked, didn't it?


You think that was cheesy and now you want to kiss me for making you scoff but your face is secretly all pink


Unfair because I always want to kiss you


I would kiss you forever if we didn't need to breathe


I think sometimes I'd rather kiss you than have oxygen


And now you're smiling at your phone but trying to hide it by chewing on you nails


A habit you should stop, by the way, because I'm gonna paint them next time I see you


Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend


That's a secret


But your boyfriend says he misses you


Can you give him a message from me?


You're not gonna rescue him from his captors?


He's stronger than you think, don't underestimate him


He comes off as cute but he's feisty and will bite you. beware.


Well I suppose I could relay a message but I will keep my distance for my safety


Good idea


The message?


I miss you too, darling. My love for you grows everyday which I didn't know was possible since you already occupy my entire heart. My apartment used to feel so empty. Now with pictures of you around the place and memories of you hanging out here, I can imagine us having our own place together one day and I don't feel so lonely anymore. I hope you know how much you brighten my day. Love you, I hope you show your captor those sharp ass teeth of yours and break free to come home to me <3


@Draco_Malfoyyy this loser just showed up on my doorstep, should I let him in?

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@Draco_Malfoyyy this loser just showed up on my doorstep, should I let him in?

Liked by @Luna_Ginny, @BlazeZ, @HermioneG and 19.13k others

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Next chapter won't be in text style and it will explain why they're being to cheesy and Harry is a bit ooc - they just miss each other ok

Anyways I love you and I hope you have a good day/night <3

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