Chapter 83

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This is a direct continuation of the last chapter, no time has passed :)

Enjoy! <3


It was half past seven and suddenly the doorbell rang. It was a little odd to say the least as Draco got up from his bed. Who in the world was coming over uninvited at 7:30pm? He wasn't waiting for any deliveries, besides, usually parcels aren't delivered this late in the day. Reaching for the doorknob, he figured it must be a neighbour who lives in his building.

Just to be on the safe side, he took a peek through the peephole. Once glance was all he needed before he yanked the door open as quickly as possible. "I escaped my captor," Harry grinned at him, holding out a beautiful bouquet of summer flowers. Draco was lost for words for a moment as he processed what was happening. Harry hadn't responded to his last message, but he figured he'd just flustered the boy and then he'd gotten too busy to respond. He would never guess that in the last hour Harry had travelled across London, apparently been to a florist, and turned up on his doorstep, hair a little windswept and cheeks pink from rushing there.

"For you," Harry gently pressed the bouquet to Draco's chest, the blonde scrambled to grab them so they didn't fall. Finally coming back to reality, Draco stepped back, dragging Harry inside and shutting the door. He carefully placed the flowers on the hall table before cupping Harry's cheeks with his hands. Leaning down a little, he connected their lips in a sweet kiss which slowly became something more as Harry wrapped his arms over his shoulders and Draco slid his hands down to encircle Harry's waist, pulling one another closer. With a brief break to catch their breaths, Harry smiled against the blonde's lips, "I love you too."


Later in the evening as they were cuddled up under the covers on Draco's bed watching a film on his laptop, Draco used his newly painted finger to gently trace the lines on Harry's palm. Half asleep, Harry smiled and turned his face into the crook of his boyfriend's neck, nuzzling into the warmth. "Do my first tattoo?"

Draco hummed in confusion, not having heard the question properly. Scooting back a bit so that he could look into the silver eyes, "do my first tattoo," he repeated but this time it wasn't a question. After processing what Harry was saying, Draco chuckled a little, "I haven't even learnt how to do it yet, darling." The younger boy shrugged, "I know," he looked back down at where their hands were linked, "I want you to give me my first tattoo once you've learned. I'd like to be your first customer... if that's alright with you?"

The way Harry's deep green eyes looked up at him through thick brown eyelashes made his tummy fill with butterflies, sometimes he felt unable to comprehend how such a wonderful person chose him to be part of their life. He was eternally grateful for Harry and all the joy he brings to his life. "Of course, my love," Draco told him with a gentle smile, leaning forward to press a kiss to Harry's forehead. "You'll have to wait a year or two, though," Draco chuckled and Harry merely shrugged, "I'd wait forever for you." At that, Draco's face burned red as he ruffled up Harry's hair, making the younger boy laugh, "why're you so cheesy all of a sudden?" Usually it was Draco who would dish out these silly lines to try and fluster his boyfriend, and he wasn't fairing very well now that the tables have turned.

"I missed you and..." Harry said but buried his face into the pillow out of embarrassment. Placing a finger below his chin, Draco guided Harry to look back at him, "what was that, love?" The silver eyes that some might find piercing and cold felt so comforting to Harry that the words practically slipped out by accident, "I wanted to hear you laugh."

They were quiet as Draco wasn't sure what to say in response to this, being taken off guard by Harry's current romantic nature. "I'm nervous for when you go to uni," Harry admitted and Draco's face softened, "me too." Snuggling in close again, Draco rested his chin on the crown of his boyfriend's messy hair, "this is the first time we've been together in person in almost three weeks and it was starting to become really difficult to not want to be with you every day." The blonde nodded in agreement, gently combing a hand through Harry's hair while Harry ran his hand gently up and down Draco's back, feeling the goosebumps from the slight ticklish feeling. "I've already lost two of the most important people in my life... I don't want to feel that I've lost you too."

"I promise you, Harry, you'll never lose me. It's just a few months," Draco mumbled, "then we can be with each other as much as we want. We can always see each other on school holidays." Harry hummed softly, agreeing despite still feeling apprehensive about not being able to see his love as often. They used to see each other practically every day at school, and then they spent the first half of the summer living together, now they had to get ready for the upcoming school year as well as do some summer jobs so they hardly had time to see each other. Going from being around each other every day to hardly ever was a tough adjustment. Harry figured he'd have to talk to his godfathers about how they did it when Remus went to Uni with Lily while James and Sirius worked and travelled instead. Didn't they miss each other? Of course the answer was yes, but clearly they found a way to get through it, just like Draco and Harry knew they would get through it too.

"For now, I'm going to enjoy having the world in my arms," Draco whispered into Harry's ear and the younger boy gently slapped his back for the cheesy line that Draco knew would make him blush despite how lame it was.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"I love saying I love you."

"Me too, my love."

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