Chapter 57

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About half an hour later, both cars had pulled up the driveway of a decently sized house. It was about a ten minutes walk away from the coastline and had a small pool in the garden. They really got lucky when Blaise found this house on Airbnb, plus it was a pretty cheap price for the great quality that it is. It was in a nice position right between the beach and the city, meaning the shops and the sound of cars was close by, but they could also smell the salty sea air too.

By now it had just passed midnight and Luna, Ron, and Harry were all asleep. Ron had to get up because he was blocking their access to the luggage in the 'older kids' car, but Ginny just decided to carry Luna in because they were asleep on her lap in the 'younger kids' car. Harry on the other hand was sitting in the front seat of the 'younger kids' car next to Hermione, so they technically didn't have to be woken up either.

Blaise opened the boot of one of the cars while Hermione opened the other. The two pulled luggage out of the boot and put it on the gravel driveway for the owners to collect. Draco, who had the house key, went up to the front door and opened it so Ginny could bring Luna in before coming back out to help bring in luggage. A minute later, six of them were bringing in luggage, either dumping it in the living space or in their rooms that they dibs. Somehow, in the last ten minutes of the drive, Draco had convinced Blaise to share with Ron, meaning he could share with Harry. Surprisingly, he agreed quite quickly which Draco found a little suspicious, but let it slide as Blaise was probably exhausted from driving for the last two hours in the middle of the night. He'd been the last one to drive in their car, Draco being the first, then Pansy, followed by Ron, and then finally Blaise.

Once all the luggage had been carried in, Draco went back outside with Blaise. Blaise locked both the cars while Draco lifted his partner out of the car and into the house. When the door had been safely locked for the night, everyone headed to their rooms, deciding to unpack tomorrow morning. The bedroom arrangement had Hermione and Pansy in an upstairs bedroom, Ron and Blaise in an upstairs bedroom, leaving Ginny and Luna to be in a downstairs bedroom, along with Harry and Draco in another downstairs bedroom. Each room only had a double bed in it, meaning the people in the rooms had to share a bed, but none of them really cared, they were all pretty tired, two of them already being asleep.

When Draco had closed their bedroom door so the two were away from prying eyes, he finally got into pyjamas and snuggled up under the covers with Harry, opening his arms to allow them to nuzzle into his chest as they were half asleep. Half way through the car trip, Harry had changed into comfy pyjama type clothes to be more comfortable in the car, so Draco didn't need to wake them up to get them changed into pyjamas.

All of them went to bed that night being excited for the holiday ahead. It was only the second day, and they'd already made some pretty fun memories. They had the whole summer ahead of them.


Heyy, I know this one is pretty short, but it's mainly just a transition into the holiday :)

I hope you're having a lovely day/morning/evening/night <3

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