Chapter 46

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Group chat The Real Housewives of Gay



Who created this chat and why


Ah yes, the chaotic octet that we are


This is a recipe for disaster


Now I shall reign terror over you all mwahahaha


Whoever made this, I commend you on the name of the chat




Hello there my fellow homosexuals


This is so weird


I feel uncomfy


I'd like to point out that I'm on here??


So am I?


Hush hush Ronald, we all know you're a little fruity


As for you Blaise, we just have to wait and see, plus the name is good so shut up and deal with it








As you know, the school year will be over in two months, soooooo




We decided to propose the idea of going on summer break together!!


This is all your last summer before you go to uni and start work, so might as well make the most of it right?? Harry, Luna and I still have one year of torture left, but at least we can spend our last proper summer with you guys all as a group :)


I smell the slightest hint of late nights getting drunk and partying on the beach


I'm in


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