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The next few months flew by, between the preparations for the baby's arrival and keeping Alfredo and Brumhilde from killing each other I would say things are going well. They still drive each other crazy but have called a truce to not be the cause of me stressing. To say that my belly has gotten huge is an understatement. I can't see my feet, my back aches all the time, and Lord help me if I try to pick up anything from the ground. The baby tends to think that laying on my bladder is the perfect place to be, and the baby's kicks have gotten stronger and stronger. Needless to say, at this point I am ready to have this baby. I haven't been able to get much sleep the last few nights. I feel bad for Nick every time I shift my position he wakes up. As I lay in bed, I stare at the small little bags that are beginning to form; he needs his rest. Thankfully, Alfredo added some Tilo leaves to his tea before bed. He and I both agreed that Nick needed some extra rest, unfortunately, being pregnant I can't have that.

I began to feel the baby begin to move around and felt it kick me hard. I was a little hungry, but I didn't want to wake up Nick. Mmm something sweet would be heavenly now. Maybe if I am super super quiet Nick won't wake up, he was snoring lightly, this was a good sign. I began to pull the covers off slowly, once Nick snored again, I got up from the bed. So far so good, his breathing is still the same, I decided not to put my slippers on in fear that they would make noise. So, I slowly tiptoed towards the bedroom door and waited for Nick to snore again, once he did, I opened the door and waddled out.

As I made my way to the kitchen, I had several maids and guards ask if they could escort me or if I needed anything. I graciously declined, I just wanted to be able to get myself a quick snack and get back to bed before Nick noticed I was gone. I entered the kitchen and lit a candle; the small candle illuminated the kitchen casting shadows all over the room. I made my way to the counter where I knew Chef Louis kept a jar of oatmeal raisin cookies. I grabbed myself a cup of cold milk and opened the cookie jar, I took a bite of the cookie and it felt heavenly on my tongue. The baby began to move around more and kick as if it was thanking me for the sweet treat. As I ate my fourth cookie, I felt like strange as if I was being watched. I looked around positive that I was alone, but I felt the hairs on my neck standup.

"Is anyone there?" I asked, as I felt my heart rate accelerate. I lifted the candle and took a few steps towards the door. Still having the cookie in my other hand, something told me to turn around.

"AHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed as I Nick holding a candle with his eyebrows raised.

"Nick! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!" I said as I slapped his arm.

"Are you trying to give me one?" he countered as he rubbed his arm.

Guards came running into the kitchen with their swords drawn "Your majesty are you alright?" a guard asked me.

"Yes, I am fine, I'm sorry, please back to your posts" the guards bowed to Nick and I and left the kitchen. One guard to the liberty of lighting up a few candles so that Nick and I wouldn't be in the dark anymore. Once they left I looked at Nick "How on earth did I give you a heart attack?!" I said as I tried to calm my heart rate.

"What did you think I would think if I woke up and saw that you were gone? Do you have any idea the things that went through my mind?" Nick said as he out his hands on his hips challenging me.

"I'm sorry, I had a craving for something sweet and I didn't want to wake you up, you've been having trouble sleeping because of me and I wanted you to get some rest".

I said as I looked into his eyes, he smiled at me and said, "Thank you for thinking of me, I appreciate it, but I don't mind losing sleep if it means that you and the baby get everything you both need". He said as he tapped my nose with his index finger. "Besides it seems like your cravings are contagious because I had a desire for something sweet, but I saw you weren't next to me I had to find something else that was sweet" With that he stole the cookie I had in my hand and shoved it into his mouth.

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