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I have never seen Nicholas this way before, I have only ever seen him this tender when he is speaking to his mother. Not even then is it as tender as when he speaks to Princessa Esperanza. His devotion to Princessa Esperanza reminds me of my devotion to my wife. I love Emelina, I am devoted to her, I don't know what I would do if I ever lost her; I would kill anyone that would try to take her away from me. My son must feel the same way towards Princessa Esperanza; this makes things more difficult. What am I to do, I made this deal with Rey Luis of Costa Luna before Nicholas was born? A Rey never goes back on his word, Dios mio help me, for the first time in my life I don't know what to do.


They haven't been back yet, I'm so worried. What if something happened to them? What if something happened to Francisco? No! No! Roselia get a hold of yourself he is going to come back; he is going to bring Esperanza back and he is going to be alright. Oh God please protect them. I have been pacing back and forth for too long, I can't take this anymore. I'm grateful to have Alexis here with me, she has been the main reason I haven't gone after them.

Alfredo came running into the great hall and said: "Reina Roselia, Princessa Alexis the have been found".
I let out the breath that I didn't realize that I was holding. Alexis and I ran to Alfredo but before Alexis was able to speak, I said: "Where are my husband and my daughter?"

"They are in the infirmary wing; don't worry they are going to be just fine. I am on my way to go get Reina Emelina and Princessa Rosalinda".

"You can go get Reina Emelina but leave her royal heinous in her quarters". Alexis said in her famous sarcastic tone.

"Alfredo please don't listen to her, please go and get Reina Roselia and Princessa Rosalinda and meet us in the infirmary wing".

"Yes, your Highness". He replied.

"Alexis know you better, but I couldn't agree more". We smiled at each other and then I did something that left a surprised look on her face. I ran, she took off after me trying to keep up.

"Mother you are running?! In the castle?! You always said that a Princessa should never run in the castle". She said.

"Alexis please your father and sister need us, keep up will you, you are running as fast as your grandmother".

"Mother!" Alexis exclaimed
"Come on Alexis run faster, I'll beat you there!"
Even though I was in so much pain, I couldn't help but laugh at the current situation. My father made a valiant attempt to carry me to the infirmary wing. Unfortunately, my father could not lift me up off the ground. Between my weight and the weight of my dress, my father was definitely struggling. After two attempts he stated that the third would be the charm.

"Alright, mi hija, ready one ...two... three, humph!!"

"OWWW!!! Father, please stop!! My ribs!!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" he replied in a panicked tone.

"Rey Francisco, please allow me to carry Esperanza to the infirmary wing," Nick asked.

With a defeated look my father nodded. Nick slowly put his arm around my back and his other arm under my legs.

"Ready?" he gave me a concerned look.

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