Oh Baby!

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I am in awe of the wonderful woman that I am blessed to be married to. I can see how anxious Esperanza is to have our baby, the poor thing is so uncomfortable but for my sake she puts a smile on her face. I wish that I could take all of the pain and discomfort away from her. As she waddles towards me I cant help but smile, I think she is the most beautiful creature to ever have existed and the fact that she is carrying another life inside of her, my child, I don't think I will ever get over it.

"What?" She asked me tilting her head to the side. I shook my head and continued smiling.

"Come on, tell me" She insisted.

"Nothing, you are just so beautiful" I said as I tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"You're just saying that.....what you really mean is I'm huge" she said as she looked down at her belly. I tilted her chin up and looked into her eyes and said

"No, I meant what I said". She sighed as if she didn't believe me but then she winced and let out a hissed breath.

"What wrong? Are you alright" I said concerned. "Yeah" she said gasping a little "Just a little bit of back pain" She put her hand on her back and scrunched her eyes.

"Esperanza are you sure?" I knew that she was not trying to worry me.

"Yeah, see all better! The baby probably kicked the wrong spot" she saw that I wasn't fully convinced and caressed my face. "I promise you beloved, I am fine, come on let's get some breakfast I am starving!".

We walked hand in hand into the dining hall, I pulled out her chair and helped her sit down. As we greeted the servants, they placed our meals in front of us. I prayed over our food like I normally do, and Esperanza attacked the food in front of her.

"Someone woke up with an appetite" I said.

"Yeah, I don't know, I just woke up super hungry" she replied.

"Good Morning, your majesties, Reina Esperanza I'm happy to see that you are eating well". Alfredo said as he approached us.

Esperanza with her cheeks full mumbled a Good Morning to Alfredo and took a swig of her passion fruit juice.

"Buongiorno maestà, how is my little Esperlini and my little nini feeling today?" Brumhilde came in with rollers in her hair and rubbed Esperanza's belly.

"I'm just very hungry" Esperanza said

"Ah molte bene! That's good! that means that baby is ready to come out!" Brumhilde commented as she sat down and began eating.

"Well, I'm ready for this baby to come out" Esperanza said rubbing her stomach. I looked at her and gave her a small smile, knowing that I am partially to blame for her discomfort.

"The baby will come once it's ready, you have no control over that" Alfredo stated.

"Ah, don't listen to the goat man, trust me, Brumi knows that baby is almost here". Brumhilde said waving off Alfredo's comment.

"Forgive me, Reina Esperanza but you are needed in foyer" one of Esperanza's maids stated.

"Alright, I don't think I can fit another bite in" Esperanza stood up and jerked forward in pain. I jumped out of my chair and was immediately at her side.

"Esperanza! What's wrong?" She was gasping and holding her belly. After a few seconds which felt like an eternity, she straightened up, took a deep breath, and looked at me and said "Yeah, I'm alright, just took me by surprise".

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