Here Comes the Bride

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As we walk toward the chapel wing of the castle, yeah, I know, we have a chapel wing. Apparently, it was built when my great-great-grandmother took ill and was not able to travel to the small cathedral in town. The Chapel Wing is one of our biggest wings in the castle, it's circular in shape with the altar in the middle of the circle, the benches surround the altar, so everyone had a view. The windows were made of stain-glass, each one depicting different biblical images such as the creation, the garden of Eden, the first Christmas, Jesus's miracles, his death and his resurrection. The ceiling is painted with depictions of what heaven would look like, angles, clouds and heavens gates; it's breathtaking.

I can hear the organ being played as we get closer to the entrance, and then before I knew it, the only people left to go in were my sisters, in went Erica and then Alexis; I'm next. I don't even remember who gave me my bouquet, it was of my two favorite flowers tiger lilies and pink roses. Oh boy, my heart feels like it's going to jump out of my chest.

"Take a deep breath Esperanza, I can't have you fainting on me now" my father said.

"Father! When did you get here? How long have you been standing there?" I asked.

"Esperanza, I have been here for about ten minutes now. It's alright mi hija on my wedding day my heart was beating so wildly that I could hear it in my ears. Don't worry mi hija everything will be alright. You look beautiful!" He said as his eyes welled up with tears.

"Oh father, please don't cry!" I said as I felt the tears rising.

The wedding march on the organ began......

"Alright, no more of this" my father said as he swatted his tears away. "Let's get this on you". He said as he put my veil on. "Ready mi hija?"

The trumpets resounded......

"Yes, father". He extended his arm to me I laid my hand on his, I gripped my bouquet and then the doors were opened.


"Damn it! Damn it!.....UGH!!!"

"Geez man, calm down your going to break the damn thing!" Mateo said.

"I can't get it on!" I replied.

"Why are you telling me? That's what you say to women" Mateo said in a joking tone.

"Mateo! I'm not joking! I can't get this stupid medal on!" I exclaimed.

Knock! Knock! Knock!


"Well being that that medal has been handed down from generation to generation I wouldn't think of it as something stupid". My father said as he walked in.

"Your Majesty, how have you been?" Mateo said as he bowed to my father.

"Mateo, I've been well, look at you, you are not the scrawny little solider you once were". My father said, he always loved to tease Mateo, but all Mateo could do is laugh and then tease me.

"Thank you, your majesty. My only wish is to one day be as strong as you!" Mateo said in a sarcastic tone.

"I see you have also grown a backbone, it's about time. Come now, my son what is causing you so much trouble". My father said as he walked toward me.

"It's this medal I can't get it on right".

"Come allow me" my father took the medal from me and latched it on to my uniform with ease.

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