Al Amanecer

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"Buenos Dias Princessa Esperanza"

"Buenos Dias Princessa Alexis"

I didn't want to get up, I wanted to sleep. I groaned and tried to turn over.... big mistake.... my ankle was still sore. I jumped in pain...I was awake now. My ladies in waiting stood with our breakfast trays waiting for us to wake up and eat. Alexis clearly didn't want to wake to up, so I took my tray and started eating. Alfredo walked in and greeted me.

"Buenos Dias Princessa Esperanza, how are you feeling this morning?"

"My ankle is still sore but over all I'm doing well".

"I see your sister doesn't want to wake up as usual."

I nodded, knowing full well what he was about to do. He went to the side of the bed where Alexis was and cleared his throat.

"Princessa Alexis Meagan of Quisqueya if you do not wake up this moment then heaven help you!"

Alexis shot up from under the covers and almost knocked over my tray. The look on her face was of pure shock, I had to giggle. Its very rare that Alfredo would raise his voice but when he does you know he means business.

"Buenos Dias Princessa Alexis, it wonderful to see that you are fully awake and ready for the day. Would you care for some breakfast?" Alfredo handed Alexis her breakfast tray.

"I'm sorry Alfredo, I could barely sleep with her royal lovesickness next to me. She spent the whole night saying "Nick, Nick, who are you? I need to talk to you". ALL NIGHT LONG!!"

I gasped "I did not! I don't even talk in my sleep."

"Well you did last night "Nick, Nick, oh Nick" she teased.

"I did not! Stop it Alexis" I can't believe I did that, and on top of that Alexis heard me; I hope no one else did.

"Your highnesses please!" Alfredo scolded.

"Sorry Alfredo" I said.

"Sorry Alfredo" Alexis replied.

"Your both forgiven now please finish your breakfasts so that we can begin the day. Princessa Alexis you have your math, geography, literature, piano and violin lessons today, so please don't dawdle."

Alexis grunted, if it were up to her she would stay in bed all day; she was great at all of her subjects she just didn't like being in the same place for too long.

"None of that Princessa, you know very well that" ...

At the same time, they both said, "Education is a vital key in the doorway of success".

"I know Alfredo, I know." Alexis begrudgingly got up from the bed and headed towards her room.

"Princessa Espernaza lets get you up and see if you can put pressure on your foot".

I was nervous, my foot was still sore and would Alfredo be able to catch me.

"Alfredo, I don't want to hurt you, what if I fall would you be able to catch me?" I asked.

"Princessa Esperanza do you take me for an old man? Do you think that I am uncapable of such work? Oh, come now this is preposterous! Up you go!"

I anxiously brought my legs to the edge of the bed, held onto Alfredo's hands, stood on my left leg and slowly lowered my right foot. Alfredo watched me cautiously, I lowered my foot and slowly put weight on it. It hurt, but it wasn't as bad as yesterday. Alfredo the tried to get me to take a few steps forward. I successfully took a step and stumbled; as promised Alfredo caught me.

Beloved "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine"Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora