Night of the Engagement Ball Part 2

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After dancing for about an hour I look around the room, trying to spot my kids. The twins I didn't really have to worry about but Jayven, I did. When he was two years old, he thought that it would be a good idea to take his clothes off and run around the castle naked during his birthday ball. So, I can only imagine what trouble that little one is up to. I look around and see the twins talking to two young princessa's oh lord and it begins, but I don't see Jayven. Where is that little boy?

"What's wrong, why do you look so distracted?" my husband, Kelven asked me.

"I'm good, just trying to see if I can spot Jayven". I replied.

"I'm sure he's around here somewhere".

"Yeah, but the fact that I can't see him, means that I can't see what trouble he is getting into".

"Your right, how about this I'll get us some drinks and you can ask the boys to look for Jayven". Kelven suggested.

"Yeah, good idea I'll be back".

As I walk towards the twins, I can overhear their conversation and all I want to do is shake my head.

"Oh yeah, my dad will divide our lands, so that means that I will be Rey one day" Kelven said very nonchalantly and winked at the little girl in pink.

"Yeah, we just have so much land, we don't have to worry about who will be Rey, there's plenty to go around". Johnaven said as he wrapped an arm around the little girl in yellow.

Dear God, help me with these two. I cleared my throat and decided that this was the right time to interrupt.

"Excuse me, ladies, may I speak with my sons for a moment?". The little girls went eye-wide and curtsied to me, good at least they have manners.

"Wait here for us" Kelven said as he grabbed the girl by the hand and kissed it.

"We won't be long" Johnaven said as he winked.

"Really? Boys really?" I asked crossed my arms.

"What mom? Don't hate the player" Johnaven said.

"Hate the game". Kelven said.

"Listen here you two, I brought you into this world and I can't take you out just as easy!". I said pointing my finger at the two of them, they knew I meant business.

"Sorry mom" they both said at the same time.

"It alright, have you two seen your brother?" I asked.

"Not we haven't" Johnaven said.

"Well that's not good, can you two go around and him for me please?" I asked.

"But mom, we were in the middle of a very important conversation". Kelven stated.

"Yes, I understand, and I hope that you understand that my foot will be in the middle of my shoe and your butt if you don't do as I say!" I threatened.

"See ya!" The boys said and ran off to look for their brother.

"Did the boys know where Jayven is?" Kelven said as he handed me a glass.

"No, but they went off to look for him". I said taking a sip of my drink.

"Really? And how did you manage to get them away from those girls?" Kelven said skeptically.

"I am their mother all I have to do ask...... and threaten to shove my foot up their butts in front of their girls". I said taking another sip.

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