21. Toy car

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Y/n: Uhm...oppa?

Yoongi: Hm?

Y/n: You all also had dark pasts?

I asked due to my curiosity roaming in my mind. It's true that I hate deep moments like that but I wanted to know what happened to them in the past. I'm not forcing them to tell me, but I just wanted to know if they can relate to me and how a part of their lives were pure shit just like mine.

Jimin: Yas...wanna know? Idk if I'm allowed to tell you this though-

Y/n: Who tf isn't allowing you?!

Jimin: Uhm...dad?

I raised my eyebrow.

Yoongi: Oof, he just wants to say that dad prohibited us to share some important things to a lot of people especially new humans and you see...the thing is that...we don't really know if he allowed us to tell you or your siblings.

I gave him a "wtf" look and aggressively spoke.

Y/n: This man, is literally married to MY mom, without My PERMISSION. Who tf is he to hide shits from my mom?!

Yoongi: Uhm, I mean, your mom prolly knows?

Y/n: AND I DON'T?! I'm LITERALLY HER KID and it's about WHAT?!

Taehyung: About each of us and our pasts, I don't wanna talk about it.Ever.Again.

Y/n: Ow, same. Me who thought tonight was gonna be emotional. Anyways, meaningful night for another day peepholes!

I instantly stood up and began to walk back to the hotel building thing, but I did not feel the presence of my brothers behind, so I gazed behind and spotted them sitting at their usual place and not moving. Are they possessed? Fuck-

Y/n: Uhm, ok?

Jimin: ...

Y/n: Uhm, say something? Don't sit there like dat-

Jimin sniffed but there was a hint that was saying he faked it.

Jimin: I thought tonight we were gonna talk deep, I even brought tissues!

The boy got out a small pack of tissues from his back pocket with a fake upset face to show us.

Jimin: But anyways-

Y/n: Oh lord, fine. Let's "talk deep".

He was about to get up but happily stayed seated after, but when he realized that we were supposed to speak up about our pasts, his facial expression rapidly changed back into an upset one. I also went to sit back down in my previous spot.

Y/n: Aight, who starts?

Taehyung: You? Since you started first.

Y/n: Ehm...- what about? No wait, its you guys who started talking first, so continue...

I gave them an awkward smile because going first was even more awkward.

Jimin: May the oldest one choose.

He pointed at Yoongi.

Yoongi: Oh gwad oof. Let's start with ehm...wait lemme think. Jimin. You go ahead, at least those tissues are gonna serve at something.

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