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Annabeth's POV-

"I have exciting news!" I exclaimed. Percy looked at me, waiting to hear. "I'd say concerts are the best part of being a musician. It's fun to meet the fans. It's like the only good part. Besides meeting you-" Percy planted a kiss on my forehead causing me to smile even bigger. I continued talking. "My next concert is in Boston! My cousin Magnus lives there and I haven't seen him in years! He's been living in my Uncle Ranfolph's old mansion. It was given to the two of us when he passed, I told Magnus he could have it. He turned it into a homeless shelter for kids and teens to come, stop by, get a meal and some sleep and stay if they'd like to. Anyways, he said that we could stay there if we want when we go to the concert-"

"Wait, I get to go?" Percy asked. I let out a laugh.

"Of course Seaweed Brain. So does Estelle. I got tickets." I held up two tickets for them that I had been saving in my purse. The best seats possible. He looked at me and gave me a quick kiss.

"Estelle will be so excited," he said. I smiled at him. "I can picture her happy dance now."

"Me too," I said. "I also wanted to talk to that boy Vincent if we can find him again. I thought that maybe we could take him with us to The Chase Space. If he wanted to go there, that is. I was thinking we could walk around the area that he was last time and try to find him."

"I love you, Wise Girl. You're the sweetest person I know," he said, giving me another kiss to the forehead.

"Says the boy who literally just held a crying boy who he recently met in his arms to comfort him."

"Grover was a friend in pain. Bambi is one of the top ten saddest movies. According to me, anyways."

"Let me guess, the first one is Finding Nemo."

"It's devastating!" I laughed, seeing his adorable pouting face.

"God, I love you." I gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"I love you too."

We found Vincent around the same area that he had been before.

"What's up man?" Percy asked. Vincent smiled at the two of us.

"You're back!" He exclaimed, standing up from his spot on the sidewalk.

"Yeah, we missed you," I said, wrapping him in a hug. "We also wanted to talk to you."

I explained my idea to him. He seemed excited. "Really?"

"Of course, Vincent!"

"Yeah, I'll go. That sounds amazing. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" He gave both Percy and I a huge hug.

"I'm so happy. Meet us here at nine thirty in the morning next Saturday. Then we'll take you to Boston with us."

"Okay! I'll be here! Thank you!" He gave us hugs again. Before we left we gave him more money, hopefully enough to last him until we came back.

"Annabeth!" Estelle exclaimed, opening the door.

"Estelle!" I wrapped the little girl in a hug. Then Percy grabbed her from my arms.

"Estelle? Don't I get a hug too?" He asked.

"Nope." She wiggled out of his arms. "I'm mad at you."

"Percy? What did you do?" I teased.

"He refused to let me dress him up for school!" Estelle whined. "I was going to make him look just like a princess and he refused!" He kneeled down in front of her with an apologetic look on his face. He was so sweet.

"Percy! How dare you?" I gasped dramatically.

"Estelle, give me a hug. I missed you all day," Percy said. "I'm sorry I didn't wear the princess outfit. I just felt that it was too amazing for me. I wasn't worthy of it." She smiled a little, but her arms stayed crossed.

"Uh oh," Percy said. "Did you hear that, Estelle?" Estelle looked around the room and shook her head. "It sounded like the tickle monster!" He scooped her up in his arms and tickled her to no end. Estelle was laughing and smiling again. He was so good with kids. Most siblings didn't show that they cared for each other like that. Most older brothers would shove by their little sisters when they returned from school, whether the sister tried to hug him or not.

"Hi Annabeth," said Sally as I was about to pass by her to follow Percy to the couch.

"Hi," I said. "How are you?"

"I'm fantastic, Annabeth. And I'm happy that Estelle is no longer grumpy. She had been ever since she got back from school and her teacher had emailed Paul about how upset she was. Percy felt bad turning her down on wearing the princess outfit to school, but can you blame him?"

I laughed. "Well, it's good that everything's alright now.

"Yeah. How have you been?"

"Great. I have a concert in Boston coming up not next Monday, but the following one. I wanted to make sure it would be okay with you if I took Percy and Estelle."

She looked at me in shock. "Annabeth," she said. "You don't have to take both of them."

"No, no, I do. You guys do so much for me. Besides, I want to take Estelle. And Percy too, I guess."

She laughed. "Annabeth. I love you, sweetie." She wrapped me in a hug. "Remember that the car ride to Boston will be long. If you get sick of Percy and you see anywhere that you want to leave him, you have my permission."

"Hey!" I could hear Percy exclaim. I nearly fell over, I laughed so hard.

"I'm joking, Percy. I love you and I would be very upset if you didn't come home."

"Mommy, you told me that it's not good to lie," Estelle stated. There wasn't a trace of sass in her voice. Paul then entered the conversation.

"Sometimes, it's okay to lie Estelle. Sometimes, you have to lie to make others feel better."

"If told you that that green tie looked good on you it would be okay?" Paul frowned. I was still dying of laughter. God, I loved their family.

"Estelle! That tie looks great on your father," Sally stated.

"Mom, Estelle's always right. And teaching her to lie isn't good," Percy said. Estelle nodded in agreement. Paul got up and chased after both of them. Percy made it to his room quickly, shutting the door behind him, but Estelle's little legs couldn't carry her that far. Paul swept her up in his arms and she let out a yelp.

"Put me down! Put me down!" She yelled and giggled. My parents never treated me like that. I watched as Sally watched them with adoration on her face.

Percy peaked out of his room. Seeing that Paul was preoccupied he made his way out. I met him in the middle and grabbed his hand. We walked together back to the kitchen to help Sally finish making dinner.

"Dinner!" Sally called to Estelle and Paul. Estelle ran and took her seat at the table.

"I win! She exclaimed, sticking her tongue out at Paul. He gave her a scolding look, but when he saw that Sally wasn't looking, he returned the action. Percy and I held back laughs as we took our usual seats.

"Estelle, guess what?!" I couldn't wait to see her reaction.

"What?" Estelle asked.

"I got you and Percy tickets to my next concert in Boston." She squealed, leaping from her chair and doing a happy dance. Then, her little arms wrapped around me. I hugged her back.

"Thank you, Annabeth! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

So sorry it took me so long to update! Hope you all enjoyed! Love you guys! ❤️

Recorded Dreams  (A Percabeth AU) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя