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One week since concert

Annabeth POV-

I sit on the couch in my studio when Percy comes barging in. He closes the door and tackles me in a hug, pressing his head into the crook of my neck.

"Percy? Are you okay?" I ask. He lifts his head and smiles at me.

"Why wouldn't I be, Wise Girl, I'm with you." My heart flutters.

"As long as we're together, right?" I say.

"As long as we're together," he confirms. "Also, I'm probably going to get fired for this, but-"

"Percy! What did you do?" 

"I asked Meg to sneak into Apollo's office and grab your contract. I know you've been even more miserable lately and Meg will do anything to irritate Apollo, even if it's just a little bit. There has to be a way for you to get out, Annabeth, and you're so smart that I figured you could figure it out."

"Percy, I already looked-"

"But you were angry, so your brain wasn't thinking right. There's gotta be a way out. We're gonna find it." I smile at his determination. He hands me the contract and I read over it.

"Percy, there's no way. Without breaking contract. It's impossible," I say. I've read over it multiple times. "Helen signed this and since her and Frederick have custody over me there-" I stop myself short, realization dawning on me. "There is a way. But I just have to talk to my mom..."

I see him realizing what I was saying. "Wait... you're going to try to get your mom to take custody of you?"

"Exactly! Percy, she'll let me be an architect like I want to be. She's never understood the whole music career thing and I think if I told her the story, she'd really listen." He gives me a kiss on the lips.

"I told you there was a way," he teases.

"You were right, for once."

"Is this Annabeth Chase admitting that she's wrong?"

"I never said I was wrong, I was just saying that you were right. There's a difference."

He laughs. "I love you."

"I love you too. Now, I have to call my mom."

"I can go, if you want it to be private-"

I grab his hand. "I'd rather you stay."

I click on the contact and listen to it ring. Finally, on the third ring she picks up.

"What is it, Annabeth?"

I explained the whole story to her. How I want to be an architect but I can't be one if she doesn't raise me.

"Annabeth, I have a very tight schedule and I won't be home a lot-"

"That's fine. As long as I can be an architect."

"You can't just become one off the bat. You'd have to go to school-"

"I can do that. I'll enroll for a high school."

"Either that or I'd have to hire you. But I'd need to see your designs first to make sure you're ready for this."

"I'm more than ready, mom."

"We'll see. Stop by my place around six tonight. Just you. Do you need my address?"

"That'd be helpful."

She gives me her address and I quickly write it down.

"Thanks mom."

Recorded Dreams  (A Percabeth AU) Where stories live. Discover now