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Percy POV-

After a boring day of school, where teachers loaded me up with makeup work- even though the school year ended in about a week and I was a senior- and an interesting day of work (I recorded for Pain! Agony Torture Death), it was finally time to see my Wise Girl.

We decided to meet near the bench where we shared our first kiss at Central Park. When I arrive, Annabeth is already sitting there, drawing blueprints. I sneak around behind her and put my hands on her shoulders. I get no reaction from her. She did this sometimes, getting zoned out and not noticing the world around her. It was really a bad habit in New York City.

"Seriously? Annabeth. Annabeth!" I exclaim. "Come on, we need to go to your house because your brother and mom want to meet me. Dinner time is soon." No response. I go for a different approach. I come around the side of the bench and sit next to her. When I see her face though, I knew she was just playing along.

"Wise Girl!" I whine as she sits there smirking. "Were you ignoring me?"

"Seaweed Brain!" She mocks. "It's cute watching you attempt to get me out of my daydream. I'm sorry, I just had to watch." She gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Don't make excuses. You were ignoring me." She smirks.

"I was not."

"Sure you weren't. I still love you."

"You better." She nudges me with her shoulder. I put an arm around her and pull her close to me.

"So what's the plan for this evening?" I ask. "We're still doing dinner at your house, right?"

"Yeah, unfortunately. Malcolm's great. You'll like him. My mom will act like she hates your guts, but really how could someone not love you?" I feel heat rise up my neck and Annabeth laughs. "You look so embarrassed, Seaweed Brain. You're gonna have to get used to this. You always say this kinda shit to me, and now it's your turn." I laugh and give her a kiss on the top of her head.

"Are we ready to head to your house?" I ask.

She lets out a groan. "I guess so."

"Your mom is going to be mad if we don't go."

"I know," she sighs. She stands up and I follow, grabbing her hand. We call for a taxi to take us to her house, which I have never seen before.

Her house is huge. On the walkway up to it, there's a stone path with olive trees in the lawn. I ask Annabeth about those.

"We enjoy olives. Don't judge." She picks an olive off of the branches and then offers one to me. I shake my head and she just shrugs while putting it in her mouth. "Your loss."

"I'm never losing when I'm with you," I tell her to be cheesy. She rolls her eyes at me, but I see a hint of pink on her cheeks.

"Shut it Seaweed Brain."

"You love when I say cheesy stuff, just admit it. You missed it when we weren't together." She sighs.

"Only a little bit. But stop reminding me of those awful days." I grab her hand and hold it in mine. She smiles at me and whispers. "As long as we're together, right?"

I give her a kiss on the forehead. "Obviously. Being separate is awful. I will never go through that again. I hate to break it to you but you're stuck with me until the day we die, and if there's something after that, then you're stuck with me there too."

"Ooh write that one down. That might be the cutest thing you've ever said. It almost sounded like a wedding vow. You could use that later." My cheeks turn pink. "You know, Estelle did tell me that you promised her you'd propose to me when we got back together..." she smirks. "Do you know anything about that?"

Recorded Dreams  (A Percabeth AU) Where stories live. Discover now