Episode 10: Too Much Game

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~The Man Cave~

Down in the Man Cave, Charlotte and (y/n) were struggling with the headquarter's failing equipment. The supercomputer, snack machine, tubes, the sofa: you name it, sure enough, it was on the blink.

Charlotte furiously tapped the buttons on the computer, but it was unresponsive, causing the young woman next to her to hit the control panel in frustration.

"Gooch? Hey! Gooch, are you there?" They were trying to get contact with the store above their heads, but so far they were unsuccessful.

"Stupid thing!" (y/n) kicked it for good measure.

"Mama." A baby doll came on the screen.

"Okay, that's not Gooch. Ugh, what is wrong with this thing?" Charlotte asked her.

"I don't know! I can do some of the repairs, but I can't work out what's wrong because of all the circuit boards and software in this heap of junk." (y/n) pressed the resignal button, hoping it would fix the fuzzy screen

"Gooch!" They finally managed to get some patchy images.

"Go for Gooch!" Charlotte asked him as his voice crackled from the interference.

"Where are Henry and Ray?" (y/n) questioned, wondering what was taking the superheroes so long.

"There was an emergency at the Swellview mall," Gooch told her.

"I know that!" She pinched her eyes in exasperation.

"Oooh, what happened?" Charlotte hadn't been down in the Man Cave for very long and wanted to know what was going down.

"Santa Claus was running around without his red pants," Gooch reported, confusing the girl.

"But it's not even Christmas." She looked at (y/n).

"Weird, right?" She was interrupted by the auto-snacker processing another order that they hadn't asked for.

"Your hot dog is ready." The A.I said.

"We don't want a freakin' hot dog!" (y/n) yelled at the thing, walking over to the thing and pressing a few buttons to cancel the food.

"You ordered a hot dog?" Gooch asked, not hearing some of their words over the bad connection.

"No. The snack machine is still broken and acting all crazy." Charlotte explained to him as (y/n) peered through the food window.

"R--repeat, y--ou'--re b-break--ing up," Gooch said in a distorted voice, the connection then breaking again.

"Gooch!" Charlotte tried to fix it again, revealing that Ray and Henry were back. Only, one tube came down with Ray, but there was no sign of Henry.

"Hey, guys." He greeted them in a tired voice.

"Hi, those Santa's pants?" (y/n) walked up behind Charlotte.

"Yeah." He replied, his voice telling her that the mission was more trouble than it was worth.

"So, where's Henry?" Charlotte piped up.

"He's right-- huh, that's weird." Ray thought the teen was right behind him, so he looked up the tube to see where he was.

"Henry? Come down." He yelled.

"I can't my tube isn't working." The boy's voice echoed down the shaft.

"Not another malfunction." (y/n) scrubbed her palm against her face. The faulty tube meant there was another problem in the cave that she had no idea how to fix, and she was supposed to keep the place under control and ready for action.

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