Episode 24: Henry & the Bad Girl, Part 1

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It had been a tough time for Swellview's crimefighters lately. The police and Captain Man had been plagued by a pesky criminal gang know, as 'The Wall Dogs', who found their kicks in defacing countless buildings, statues and other structures around the city. They were relentless, annoying and slippery, which was making Ray's life extra difficult.

The large man was sat upstairs in the store, (y/n) by his side as per usual, and they were both studying some images of the graffiti done by the gang. Their most recent hit had been on the library and the desperate police had even offered a $10,000 reward for the gang's capture. The sight of their work made Ray wretch, so the woman rubbed his back soothingly.

"Take it easy. I can look at them if you don't want to." She told him, taking a second to admire his jazzy shirt. It was one of her favourites, probably because of how it stretched over his broad shoulders and revealed the way his biceps flexed under the smooth skin on his arms.

"No, no, I can do this." He grunted, flicking through more of the photos. He had a lot of hate for these guys and their crimes made him sick to his stomach. He kept groaning even as Henry and Charlotte entered the shop, his stressed mood making him angrily check his watch as they smiled at him and (y/n).

"You guys are late for work." He snapped at the confused teens, who were barely late.

"It's only 3:31," Henry said, checking on his phone just in case they had made some mistake.

"We're one minute late," Charlotte told him, puzzled as to why he was so tetchy.

"Yeah. You know how much crime can happen in one minute?" Ray asked them.


"How much?" The teens replied in tentative voices, not wanting to upset him further. (y/n) sighed as she followed him over to where the kids were standing; she knew he was frustrated with himself and the lack of The Wall Dog's capture, but that didn't mean he should take out his anger on Henry and Charlotte.

"Literally none." The woman answered, trying to keep a lid on his temper.

"But none of us are going to rest till we catch these dang Wall Dogs." The man growled. (y/n) could agree with that, these assholes were ruining the town with their 'art' and she wanted them to face justice.

"Okay, chill out," Henry told Ray, not seeing why he was getting so worked up. They had gone up against loads of irritating criminals before, why was he letting the Wall Dogs get to him?

"It's just a graffiti gang," Charlotte added, the kids walking to the back so they could ditch their backpacks.

"Oh god, don't set him off again." (y/n) muttered to them, as Ray began to titter next to her. Yeah, she wanted him to catch them, but she'd heard enough of his moaning and complaining over the past couple of days.

"Yeah. And graffiti is a crime." Rau seethed.

"Are you okay?" Charlotte asked him timidly, seeing that he was upset about the gang.

"Because we don't get why you're this upset about graffiti," Henry explained for the two of them and the young woman put her hand on Ray's shoulder as he tensed up. She had watched his body language, picking up his tell-tale signs of sadness and seeing him so stressed made her upset too.

"Do you wanna know? Do you?" The superhero turned away with pained eyes, not wanting them all to see his weakness, especially (y/n). It would only make her worry and he tried to limit her sources of anxiety as much as possible.

"I don't know." Charlotte stuttered, feeling like she stumbled onto a sore point.

"I really don't care either way." Henry shrugged. He was less attuned to picking up on other people's feelings, but Ray ignored his tone and started his story.

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