Episode 13: Spoiler Alert

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~Henry's house~

Henry, Jasper and Charlotte had all gathered at Henry's house to watch their favourite show. They stared intensely at the TV screen as sirens and shouts blared out from the speakers. A gunshot fired, making them all jump back in fright. A scene where a car crashed and a machine gun fired made them wince for the characters that were onscreen. However, they all giggled when a guy was killed.

"AHHH!" A man growled on the monitor suddenly, giving them all a huge scare. Jasper jumped on Charlotte as they all screamed.

"Get off." She deadpanned, not thinking that it was that scary. Jasper decided that Henry would be a better person to hold onto as the zombies groaned on the TV.

"Piper, please keep it down in there!" Henry managed to say on Jasper's head whenPiper began rattling around in the kitchen.

"Don't tell me how to live my life." She sassed him, so Henry shrugged Jasper off and continued to watch the TV show.

"That show is intense." Henry looked at the other two teens, his adrenaline still high. He had switched off the programme once it had finished.

"My heart's all cramped up," Charlotte said, massaging the part of her chest over the organ.

"I'm sweating...more than usual," Jasper told them as he rubbed his fingers together.

"Use your rag." Henry reminded him.

"Oh yeah, my rag." The curly-haired boy pulled a cloth from his pocket and began to wipe his hands dry.

"Seriously, you guys, that was, like, the best episode ever," Henry told them, and they both agreed. After all, who doesn't like an adrenaline-inducing, zombie-filled thriller?

"Oh yeah."

"Totally. But I'm so sad." Jasper said as he tucked his rag back into his pocket.

"Why?" Charlotte asked him.

"Only one more episode left of Walking Orange. And...I don't want it to end." The boy answered emotionally.

"Are you crying?" The girl next to him asked, not believing that he was crying over a TV show.

"No, my eyes are just sweating." Jasper quickly lied, walking away from the couch so they wouldn't see him cry.

"Rag." Henry reminded him again.

"Oh yeah, my rag." He took the material out and used it to dry his eyes.

"Hey, I read online that next week's episode is going to--" Charlotte began to say, but the boys shouted over her, not wanting to hear any spoilers. They each picked a cushion and pushed her into the couch to shut her up.

Please, don't tell us anything about the series finale."

"Don't spoil it!"They pleaded and released her from the soft prison.

"I was just gonna say that after the series finale, they're gonna rerun the first episode." Charlotte held her hands up to shield herself from the cushions.

"Ohhhh..." The boys said together.

"So you can put the pillows down." Charlotte hissed at them and made them drop the pillows to the floor.

"Hey! I need one of you to be my cameraman." Piper shouted at them from the kitchen bar, so the teens walked to the kitchen to see what she was up to.

"What kind of video are you making?" Charlotte asked the little girl as she analysed all the junk she had on the island.

"The kind that gets me into the Man Fans," Piper replied excitedly. She had been wanting to get into the number one fan club of Captain Man for ages, and now she had her chance.

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