Episode 23: The Bucket Trap

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~ Down in the Man Cave~

Charlotte and (y/n) were anxiously anticipating the return of Henry and Ray from their patrol. They'd had been waiting for hours and after growing antsy, they had taken to pacing around. However, to their relief, the long wait was soon over, as the tube alarm sounded and the two superheroes dropped into the headquarters.

"Hey, how'd it go?" Charlotte greeted them, she and (y/n) lighting up now that they could hear about their adventures.

"Oh, man, it was insane." Ray smiled as he and Henry walked down the steps to the females. His happy demeanour perked up his best friend, her boredom and nervous excitement bubbling down into a calmness.

"It was nuts!" Henry exclaimed, fuelling Ray's climatic animation.

"Don't leave us in suspense then!" (y/n) told them, eager to hear about what had happened. Things had been a little tense in the Man Cave for the past week, ever since the whole Dennis escapade. Ray tried for days afterwards to get his best friend to stay with a friend downtown, but she refused. The Man Cave was her home, he was her friend and she wasn't going to leave when there was work to be done.

"Okay. The news helicopter was flying around over Swellview, just going in circles." Ray started, his grin expanding at how intently the woman was listening to him.

"Because the helicopter pilot fell asleep at the controls." Henry continued, adding a touch of drama to the tale with his voice.

"And did you guys figure out a way to wake him up?" Charlotte asked, intrigued at how the story was unfolding.

"No. We just watched the helicopter fly around in circles." Ray said, walking past the girls, who looked at the heroic duo in disbelief.

"Until it ran out of gas and fell right down into the Jandy River," Henry added, not helping how horrified they looked.

"Raymond!" (y/n) exclaimed, shocked that he had just watched the helicopter crash. She watched him move to the supercomputer.

"And you guys didn't do anything?" Charlotte voiced her anger too.

"I got a video of it going down," Henry said and he shared a smirk with Ray. The girls' frowns got even deeper at how they were borderline gloating.

"What about the pilot? Was he hurt?" Charlotte inquired, hoping they weren't going around if someone had gotten injured.

"No. Just wet." Kid Danger shrugged, as Ray laughed at the memory.

"So very wet." He chuckled, (y/n) rolling her eyes at his amusement. She didn't think that the situation was funny at all. She lost her train of thought when Henry received a text, his phone dinging from the notification.

"Ugh. Another text from Jasper. That's eleven texts in one hour," Henry groaned, wondering why his friend was so keen to get his attention.

"I've got nine," Charlotte added too, scrolling through all the notifications as she leant on the back of the couch and Henry and (y/n) sat down.

"Man, what's up with that Jasper kid?" Ray asked, standing from the computer chair and going over to Charlotte.

"It's the bucket boy, right? Doesn't he have any other friends?" The young woman questioned too. She didn't know a huge amount about Jasper, other than he was Henry and Charlotte's other friend, he was a bit annoying and he loved buckets.

"Well, yeah, but not the kind you'd be, you know, proud of," Charlotte said carefully, not wanting to be mean about her friend.

"We're his best friends. But now because we work for you, we end up having to leave him alone all the time." Henry explained, making Ray and (y/n) feel a little guilty. They didn't live an easy life, they had to sacrifice a lot to keep everything secret. It sucked that the kids had to do it as well.

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