Chapter 4

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Previously on Chapter 3

"This place will do... I can build a small cabin here. This will be my new home" I said, smiling. We walk further inside. l/n lands on my shoulder and I gently pat her fur. I have a lot to do for this place. But I'm sure that I can manage. This is it... my new home.

-Unexpected Encounters-


I wake up to l/n jumping on my bed. I open my eyes and looks at her. "What is it?" I said. She chitters at me. I sit up and looks at her.

"Are you hungry or something?" I asked. She nods her head. "Alright... I'll go look for some food for you" I said. I get up and stretch my body, letting out a content sigh when my back makes a light popping sound.

I walk towards my glider. I get out of the cabin that I've built inside this cave. It took me a while... but it was so worth it.

I know it's small

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I know it's small... but it's all I could ask for. It may not be the same with the house I had back at the Air Temple... but this is all I have and I'm grateful for it.

I jump at the opening of the cave and turn to my two companions. "b/n and l/n... you two stay here, okay? I'll go and try to look for some food for us to eat... do you understand?" I said. They let out a sound, letting me know they understand. I smile softly at them.

I turn around and open my glider. I start to fly. I've been scouting out the place and I've come across a small village near by. Maybe I could go there and buy some food. I have some money with me... but not much. Just enough to last for a couple of weeks. But I need to make the most of it.

I always wear a mask, in case someone recognized me. But I know it's useless, after all... there's no one else using a glider. It's a big give away that I'm an air-bender. But who cares... at least they won't know what I look like.

I land on the ground a little outside the village. I let the wings in my staff folds back and start to walking to the village. The further in I walk... the more stares I got.

I head towards a shop and purchase some food for myself. I don't know how I'm going to bring them back though. But oh well... I'm sure I can think of something.

I carry them with me. I decided to take a look around the place, maybe try to look for a job. I'm sure I will need it because I live in a cave not far from here.

Out of no where, I hear a loud scream. I run towards it, trying my best to not drop anything. I run around the corner to see Fire Benders harassing an old guy. I've had it with them! Why are they so cruel?!

I place my shopping back on the ground. I run up to them and knock the Fire Benders out of the way. I move to stand in front of the man protectively.

The man I knocked over stands up and looks at me with anger in his eyes. "An air-bender... are you the Avatar, kid?" One of them said. I didn't say anything, just stand there in a fighting stance. I can tell my anger is making him angry.

"Are you mute?! Answer me!" He yelled. He shoots a stream of fire. I grab the man and jumps out of the way. I give the man a look and he got a picture. He turns around and runs away.

I turn around to see the Fire-benders surrounds me. I clench my hands around my glider. They shoot fire at me simultaneously. I jump high in the air. I land a couple of feet away from them.

I know exactly how I can defeat them. I turn around and runs away. "Hey! Stop!!" One of them yelled at me. I'm not running away, in fact... I'm trying to lure them away from the village.

I stop when I reach a wide field. I turn around to the fire-benders that chases after me. I smirk to myself. I jump to the air when a burst of fire is shot at me. I land in front of one of them. The one in front of me shoots at me. I quickly jump out of the way, making him hit his friend instead. I do the same to the rest of them.

By the end of it, they all lay on the ground. I walk to one of them, which I know is the leader. I place my hand under his chin and tilt him up.

"For your information... I can talk. I just don't waste my breath on a pieces of trashes like you and your scum friends. This is a warning... to ALL of you. Stay away from the village or you're going to face ME! Do you understand?!" I said. He nods his head rapidly. I drop his head to the ground.

I turn around and walk back to the village. When I reach there, I was shocked to see everyone gathering by the gate. I walk past them as they start to cheer at me. But I just ignore them and keep walking towards where my shopping back is.

I pick it up and tie it around my waist. I turn around and fly away, heading back to my cave. 'All I've been trying is to get away from trouble... but trouble seem to find me all the time...' I thought to myself. I shake my head and focus on flying, wouldn't want to crash into anything.

I fly inside the cave and land right in front of the cabin. "l/n! b/n! Where are you?" I said. I hear a chittering sound as l/n flies towards me and lands on my shoulder.

"Come on... lets eat... I bought plenty of food" I said. I'm really surprised that I'm able to bring these with me. But oh well... at least my companions get to eat and won't starve.

I make my way inside the cabin and head my room. I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling. The Village is so small... it'll surely be an easy target for bandits and others.

Monk Gyatso always love to defend the weak... and he died protecting me. So the least I could do is live up to his legacy, by protecting the innocences. Which means... I'll protect the village.

*to be continued*

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