Chapter 18

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Previously on Chapter 17

I lay down on the hay. My hand starts fiddling with the b/n plush absentmindedly, while the other one is behind my head. I have to try to be stronger than I am now. So I don't have to lose anymore of my love ones. I turn to my side and close my eyes. I curl up into a ball and let myself drift off to sleep.



I wake up to Aang shaking me. We have to leave this village today. So we start packing up our belongings. I carry my belongings and walks out of the shed.

I turn my head to see Haru's mother, staring into the distance. "Um... ma'am?" I called out. She turns to look at me. The first thing I saw is her tears. Katara walks towards us as well.

"They took him... they took Haru last night" she said. My eyes widened as I gasp in shock. I turn to look at Katara. She have a look of horror written all over her face. She looks guilty.

"What. Did. You. Do?" I said. "I... I forced him into using his bending to save an old man. This is all my fault" she said. My eyes widened in complete shock at what she said. She runs towards the others.

After talking to the others. Katara have a crazy idea. She's going to let herself get caught, by pretending to earth-bending. I raise my eyebrow as I stare at her in confusion. But then Sokka get an idea to use the air-ventilation.

Sokka and Katara will pretend to fight. Aang will be waiting for a signal, and use air-bending through the air-ventilation. With a strong air pressure, we should be able to create a fake earth-bending.

I wait with Aang behind the rock where the other air-ventilation is located. I notice the Fire Nation soldiers. I jump on top of a rock.

"They're here! Get into your position!" I said. I jump back down and hide. I can hear their 'argument' and try my best not to laugh when Katara called Sokka a big ear.

"Oh I'm going to teach you a lesson! Earth-bending style!" I hear Katara said. I turn to look at Aang. But he's busy with a butterfly that he missed the signal. "I said... earth-bending style!!!" I hear Katara said again. I roll my eyes and jumps into action. I use my bending, sending air through the ventilation.

I hear footsteps fading away. I walk around the rock and stand next to Sokka. Aang follows me and stands next to me.

I turn to Sokka to see him rubbing both of his ears. He turns to look at Momo and l/n. "Momo and l/n. YOU have big ears..." he said. I let out a chuckle at his comment. I look down at l/n who yawned and drift off to sleep in my arms.


We're on Appa, trying to rescue Katara. We followed them when they took away the earth-benders from the village. So we know exactly where we have to go.

Sokka walks off to get Katara, while Aang and I stay on Appa. Katara comes into view. "Katara. Where's Haru? We have to go now!" I said. "I can't just leave these people..." she said.

"Katara... there's no much time! We have to leave! We need to leave now!" Sokka said. "No! I'm not giving up on these people..." she said. Sokka groans at his sister's stubbornness.

We hide behind the boxes. "How are we going to do this?" I said. "If only we can give these people their power back. But in order to do that. They're going to need earth. But everything here is made of metal..." Katara said. "Not everything..." Aang said. I turn to look at him.

"Look... they must be burning coals. In other words. Earth" he said. I grin and hugs him. "You're a genius Aang..." I said. He chuckles and hugs me back. I pull away from him.


We are now standing by a huge air-ventilator. "This trick is just the same like what we do with the fake earth-bending. Aang will be closing ventilators, but one... which will lead here!" Sokka said.

I turn my head to see sky. "It's daybreak... we're running out of time. Better hope that this trick'll work" I said. They nod their heads in agreement.

"There! The intruders!" Someone said. I turn my head to see a bunch of guards. The prisoners starts gathering around us. But right before they could do anything. A huge chunk of coals flies out of the air-ventilator.

"Now is your chance!! Take it!" Katara said. I notice Haru taking a step forward, but a man stops him. He must be his father. "What are you all waiting for? Do not show any fear! You're earth-benders!" I said. I clench my hands into a tight fists when no one make any moves.

"Take a look at these two! They're the Avatars! They are our hope! Don't be afraid!" Katara tries to said, while gesturing at Aang and I. But still none of them made a move.

I hear laughter. I turn my head to see a man. By the way he dressed, I can already tell he's the leader. I turn to look at him with a glare.

"I told you it's going to be useless... just look at these people. They're nothing but a bunch of scums!" He said, looking smug. I let out an angry growl at him, while glaring at him. He just smirks at me and turn around to leave. As he walks away, a small piece of coal flies into his head. He turns around in anger.

He shots fire at Haru, only to have coals protecting him. I turn my head to see the other earth-benders starts to join in the battle. I grin and starts fighting with them.

I blow airs here and there, sending the fire-benders away. They're losing rapidly as we all fight together to defeat them. In the end, the earth-benders use their bending to send them falling into the water.

Everyone starts to cheer at our victory. We won!! We won against them! One battle at a time. Soon enough we will be able to free the world from this war.

Katara is having a chat with Haru. I jump off Appa and walk over to him. I softly smile at Haru. "Hey... congratulation on getting your courages back. I'm sure you'll be able to win your home back..." I said. "It's all thanks to you and your brother. Thank you, Avatar Y/N..." he said, bowing back. I give him a soft hug, in which he returns.

Katara and I bid our goodbyes and get on Appa. We wave at them as we fly away to continue our journey to the Northern Water Tribe. We surely still have a long journey. But I'm sure we'll be able to face all the danger as long as we stick together.

*to be continued*

Aang's Lost Sister (Zuko X Reader) Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant